Database of Federal Statute Popular Names
Title | Type | Popular Name | Short Title | Named For? | Classification | PL | Statute At Large | Date(s) Enacted | Interesting Part Statutized? | Leads to other named Legislation | Link/Source | Notes |
Wagner Act (Advance Planning of Public Works) (see Employment Stabilization Act of 1931) | Sponsor | Wagner Act (Advance Planning of Public Works) (see Employment Stabilization Act of 1931) | "Employment Stabilization Act of 1931" | Sen. Robert Ferdinand Wagner, (D-N.Y.) | ch 117, 46 Stat 1084 | N | |
short title at beginning "Employment Stabilization Act of 1931" | ||||
Wagner Foreign Credits Act | Sponsor | Wagner Foreign Credits Act | NO short title | Sen. Robert F. Wagner (D-NY) | ch 185, 54 Stat 179 | X | |
nothing in statute; actually a joint resolution | ||||
Wagner-Cole Act (see Trust Indenture Act of 1939) | Sponsor | Wagner-Cole Act (see Trust Indenture Act of 1939) | "Trust Indenture Act of 1939" | Sen. Robert Ferdinand Wagner, (D-N.Y.); Rep. William Purington Cole Jr., (D-MD), . NOTE: TWO Coles; this is the only dem though: probably joined to pass? | 15 USC 77aaa | ch 411, 53 Stat 1149 |
05/27/1933 08/03/1939 |
N |; |
"Wagner-Cole" not statutized; short title included in the amending language in 1939, adding to Title III of the Act passed in 1933 | ||
Wagner-Connery Labor Relations Act (see National Labor Relations Act) | Sponsor | Wagner-Connery Labor Relations Act (see National Labor Relations Act) | "National Labor Relations Act" | Sen. Robert Ferdinand Wagner, (D-NY); William Patrick Connery, Jr., (D-MA) (Note there are two Connery's, but this one was on the House Committee on Labor, so likely on the bill?) | 29 USC 151 | ch 372, 49 Stat 449 | N |; |
short title at end - "National Labor Relations Act"; "Wagner-Connery" not statutized | |||
Wagner-Connery Wages and Hours Act (see Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938) | Sponsor | Wagner-Connery Wages and Hours Act (see Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938) | "Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938" | Sen. Robert Ferdinand Wagner, (D-N.Y.); Rep. William Patrick Connery, Jr., 1923-37, (D-MA). | 29 USC 201 | ch 676, 52 Stat 1060 | N |;; see also |
ST at beginning; "Wagner-Connery" not statutized | |||
Wagner-Lea Act (see Investment Advisers Act of 1940; Investment Company Act of 1940) | Sponsor | Wagner-Lea Act (see Investment Advisers Act of 1940; Investment Company Act of 1940) | short title at end of title I - "Investment Company Act of 1940"; short title at end of title II - "Investment Advisers Act of 1940" | Rep. Clarence Frederick Lea, (D-CA); Sen. Robert Ferdinand Wagner, (D-NY) | 15 USC 80a-51 | ch 686, title I, 54 Stat 789 | N |; |
"Wagner-Lea" not statutized; Investment Advisers Act is ch 686, title II, 54 Stat 847, codified at 15 USC 80b-20 | |||
Wagner-Lewis $500,000,000 Emergency Relief Act (see A.A.A. Farm Relief and Inflation Act) | Sponsor | Wagner-Lewis $500,000,000 Emergency Relief Act (see A.A.A. Farm Relief and Inflation Act) | NO short title | Sen. Robert F. Wagner (D-NY) (1927-1949); Probably Sen. James H. Lewis (D-IL), who was Democratic whip at the time, but unclear. No conferees were named Lewis in either chamber and no Lewis played a significant role in the debates. (Though it is clear that Sen. Lewis was present and asking questions -- no Lewis appears in the House proceedings at all.) | ch 25, 48 Stat 31 | X |; |
nothing in statute; Neither the Lewis in the House or Senate participated in the debates on the bill and neither was a conferee; Sen. Lewis didn't even vote on the conference report | ||||
Wagner-O'Day Act (see Javits-Wagner-O'Day Act) | Sponsor | Wagner-O'Day Act (see Javits-Wagner-O'Day Act) | NO short title | Sen. Robert F. Wagner (D-NY); Rep. Caroline O'Day (D-NY) | ch 697, 52 Stat 1196 | X |; |
nothing in statute (blind-made products) | ||||
Wagner-Peyser Act | Sponsor | Wagner-Peyser Act | NO short title | Sen. Robert Wagner (D-NY) and Rep. Theodore Peyser (D-NY) | 29 USC 49 (note) | ch 49, 48 Stat 113 | Y |
Wagner -; Peyser - |
statutized by amending short title to include "Wagner-Peyser Act" in 96 Stat 1397 | |||
Wagner-Steagall Housing Act | Sponsor | Wagner-Steagall Housing Act | "United States Housing Act Amendments of 1938" | Sen. Robert Ferdinand Wagner, (D-N.Y.); Rep. Henry Bascom Steagall, (D-AL) | ch 554, title VI, 52 Stat 820 | N |; |
short title at end of Title VI (only applies to title VI) |