By mapping the remarkable run of the icon of Justice, a woman with scales and sword, and by tracing the development of public spaces dedicated to justice—courthouses—Professors Judith Resnik and Dennis Curtis explore the evolution of adjudication into its modern form as well as the intimate relationship between the courts and democracy. The authors analyze how Renaissance “rites” of judgment turned into democratic “rights,” requiring governments to respect judicial independence, provide open and public hearings, and accord access and dignity to “every person.” With over 220 images, readers can see both the longevity of aspirations for justice and the transformation of courts, as well as understand that, while venerable, courts are also vulnerable institutions that should not be taken for granted. This website gives readers a preview to some of those images and much more.
View the online exhibit from the Yale Law Library’s Rare Book Collection: “The Remarkable Run of a Political Icon: Justice as a Sign of the Law”.