Database of Federal Statute Popular Names
Title | Type | Popular Name | Short Title | Named For? | Classification | PL | Statute At Large | Date(s) Enacted | Interesting Part Statutized? | Leads to other named Legislation | Link/Source | Notes |
Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge Authority Act of 1995 | Location | Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge Authority Act of 1995 | "Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge Authority Act of 1995" | President Woodrow Wilson | 104-59, title IV | 109 Stat 627 | N | name of title and short title; bridge had previously been named for Wilson | ||||
Wright Amendment Reform Act of 2006 | Sponsor | Wright Amendment Reform Act of 2006 | "Wright Amendment Reform Act of 2006" | Amendment to the International Air Transportation Competition Act of 1979 offered by Rep. Jim Wright (TX). | 109-352 | 120 Stat 2011 | Y |
S.Rpt.109-317; Wright - |
short title | |||
Wright Brothers Day Act | Honor | Wright Brothers Day Act | NO short title | 88-209 | 77 Stat 402 | N | long title; designating day as Wright Bros Day | |||||
Wunderlich Act | Case | Wunderlich Act | NO short title | Named for U.S. v. Wunderlich (1951); Act was enacted to overturn the decision | ch 199, 68 Stat 81 | X | nothing in statute; permitting review of decisions by govt agency heads |