Hunt, R.

Hunt, R.
One volume; calf binding, rebacked; written on both sides of page; citations in text, not margins. Tightly bound. Blank pages between titles, paginated at top of center of page from 1-61 only; then unpaginated to p. [521]. R. Hunt is possibly Robert Hunt who appears in the 1859 Connecticut Register as an attorney on Falls Village in Litchfield County.
Shelf list card records "Gift of G.W. Cole, 1910." George Watson Cole (1850-1939) was also a lawyer from Litchfield, but he is better known as the author, bibliographer and collector who was appointed the first librarian of the Huntington Library in Pasadena, CA.
Lecture Date Lecturer Opening Line All terms
Special bail
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Gould, James This Court has no original jurisdiction in civil causes properly so called, except where a writ is to be brought against an officer for not returning a writ returnable to this court & not returning an Execution issued by this court. Practice in Connecticut, Superior Courts
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Gould, James This Court has Jurisdiction of writs of Error in all respects final brought for the reversal of any Judgment or decree of the Superior Court in matter of Law or Equity. Practice in Connecticut, Supreme Court of Errors
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Gould, James An action or suit is defined to the "the Lawful demand of one's Right" & it is by action or suit that all civil rights are enforced. Practice in Connecticut, Proceedings to enforce civil rights
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Gould, James It is necessary to the validity of a writ in certain cases that a Bond for prosecution should be entered. Bonds for prosecution, Practice in Connecticut
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Gould, James When the Plaintiff's own bond is taken on a writ of Replevin, The Magistrate is at all events liable if the Plaintiff in replevin is not eventually able to respond. Practice in Connecticut, Replevin bonds
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Gould, James According to our Statue in all transitory action to be tried by the Superior of County Court, the writ is to be returned into that county where the Plaintiff or Defendant dwells. Practice in Connecticut, Where a writ is returnable
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Gould, James Process in England (as before observed) is the means of compelling the Defendant to appear in Court, but in Connecticut it is merely the means of holding and my be without appearing in Court. Of process & service, Practice in Connecticut
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Gould, James When the process is by Attachment, service is regularly mad upon the Property or the body of the Defendant. Attachments, Practice in Connecticut
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Gould, James In an action on joint securities or contracts when all the Defendants are not inhabitants of this State service of the process on such as are inhabitants of this State shall be sufficient notice to hold them all to trial. Miscellaneous rules, Practice in Connecticut
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Gould, James Our statute provides that no person shall be required to answer in any civil case or action unless the writ is returnable to the Superior or County court has been served at least 12 days inclusive before the first day of courts sitting. Of the time at which service must be made, Practice in Connecticut
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Gould, James Bail in Court is of 2 kinds: 1st Bail to the Sheriff or other officer, 2nd Special Bail or bail above. Of bail, Practice in Connecticut
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Gould, James When a Defendant who has been arrested is brought to Court by the officer or is surrendered by his own voluntary act or his Bail, he may be admitted to Special Bail, the entering of which ipso facto discharges Bail. Practice in Connecticut, Special bail
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Gould, James The Defendant having appeared & when necessary having given Special Bail or been taken into custody, he must in the next place make his defence. Of the defence, Practice in Connecticut
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Gould, James The Issue being closed, the cause is then prepared for trial. Of issue and trial, Practice in Connecticut
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Gould, James The Verdict is the finding of the Jury on the issued closed to them. Regularly every issue should be found affirmatively or negatively & in terms of the issue closed. Practice in Connecticut, Verdict
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Gould, James At Common Law no costs were allowed to either party. But if the Plaintiff did not prevail, he was amerced pro falso clamore. Of Cost, Practice in Connecticut
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 not identified The right which the husband acquires to the personal property of the wife, 1st as to the what of possession and 2nd his Choses in Action. Baron & feme, Baron & feme
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 not identified By some it has been said that there is an impropriety arising from Coverture, which at Com. Law prevents the wife from disposing of her personal property by Will. Baron & feme, Of the wife's power to devise
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Gould, James First of their privileges as to forbidden acts committed by them. Parent & child, Privileges & disabilities of infants
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Gould, James In the first place it is an agreed point that an infant can in no case bind himself by bond. In what manner an infant may bind himself, Parent & child
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 not identified The English Law upon Guardian & Ward does not strictly apply to any one of the States, it being founded here upon particular statutes. Guardian & ward, Guardian & Ward
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping Am Executor is one appointed by the testator & whose business it is to dispose of the testator's estate as he has directed in his will & conform himself thereto as far as is agreeable to Law. Executor & Administrators, Executors & Administrators
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping Although the Gen'l Rules & maxims are the same as under the English, yet the Law by our Statute differs materially from the English. Executor & Administrators, Under the law of Connecticut
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping It seems that a person may be appointed an Executor who has competent understanding. Executor & Administrators, Who may be an Executor
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping An Executor & Administrator being appointed, the former by the testator, the latter by the ordinary (in Conn't by the Ct of Probate) their duries are materially the same. Executor & Administrators, Of the duties of Executor & Administrator
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping Tho' the English Statutes on this subject are not Law in this country, yet many of the neighboring states have copied them with none or but slight variation. Distribution of the Residuum, Executor & Administrators
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping We conform exactly in the descending line to that of Car.2nd. But in the collateral and depending line we differ & this is the only variation Distribution under the Stat of Connecticut, Executor & Administrators
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping If Children have been advanced to the full portion during the life of the intestate, they shall not partake of the distribution with the others. Executor & Administrators, Of Advancements
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping After payment of debts & legacies, the Executor having assetts in his hands is obliged to distribute them in the same manner that the Administrator is after payment of debts. Executor & Administrators, Of distribution by the Executor
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping A little more than a century ago a Rule of this kind was established in Chancery that if a legacy was given to a creditor to the amount or greater than the debt Executor & Administrators, Of the payment of Legacies
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping Legacies are divided into lapsed & vested legacies. Executor & Administrators, Of lapsed & vested legacies
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping A legacy not being lapsed, it is the duty of the Executor to pay it when due. Executor & Administrators, Of the time of payment
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping When a legacy is given generally, we have before remarked that 'tis payable at the end of the year from the testator's death & from this time it always draws interest. Executor & Administrators, When legacies draw interest
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping Legacies are sometimes given to restrain improvident marriages with a condition that they shall be void. Executor & Administrators, Of restraining legacies
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping There is such a thing as a legacy being adeemed, i.e. revoked without a revocation of the other part of the will Executor & Administrators, Of the ademption of legacies
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping When an Executor is about to pay a legacy, he is entitled to security from the legatee that he will refund on debts coming in which require that legacy. Executor & Administrators, Of refunding legacies
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping It is the same as the Administrator & on this subject our law is entirely different from the English Executor & Administrators, Of the Executor's duty to pay the testator's debts
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping All property which comes to the Executor passes in Assetts in England, the personal property only is legal assetts, tho' by will Real Estate may be made equitable assetts. Assets, Executor & Administrators
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping An executor is not liable for any loss that may come to the assetts provided Devastavit, Executor & Administrators
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping An administrator is at Common Law obliged to give Bonds that he will perform his trust. Executor & Administrators, Of the bonds of Executor & Administrator
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping The policy of the law has enabled a person to control his property of some kinds to a certain extent after his death. Executor & Administrators, Testaments
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping All persons generally speaking in the English law may make a will of personal property except those who are deficient in understanding. Executor & Administrators, Persons incapable to make a will
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping Testaments of personal estates are of two kinds, written or verbal. Executor & Administrators, Requisites to a personal will
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping Donatio mortis causa is a conditional gift given in contemplation of death & the gift to be good must be given in the donor's last sickness. Donatio causa mortis, Executor & Administrators
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping All persons may be legatees. Executor & Administrators, Who may be legatees
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping An Executor is not liable for costs in any suit brought by him when he was obliged to name himself as Executor. Executor & Administrators, Of the Executor's liability for costs
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping A judgment recovered against an Executor for that debt of his testator first goes against the goods & chattels of the testator in the hands of the Executor. Executor & Administrators, Of judgment against an Executor
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Reeve, Tapping Where money is voluntary paid into an Executor's hands, he is not liable for interest except in case of Mortgage money. Executor & Administrators, Miscellaneous articles
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Gould, James As Justices of Peace &c have Jurisdiction over all civil cases where the title of Land is not concerned & when the matter in demand does not exceed $15. Practice in Connecticut, Single magistrates
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Gould, James In the first case I shall treat of the Jurisdiction of our Courts of Law in civil cases. Connecticut practice, Practice in Connecticut
1813-01-01 to 1813-12-31 Gould, James This court has original and likewise final jurisdiction where the matter in demand does not exceed $70, except in actions on Bond or Note given for money only and vouched by two witnesses County courts, Practice in Connecticut
1813-05-24 not identified Law in its most general & extensive sense signifies a rule of action. Municipal law is defined to be a rule of civil conduct prescribed by the supreme power of the state, commanding what is right & prohibiting what is wrong. Municipal Law, Municipal law
1813-07-01 to 1813-07-31 Gould, James It has been doubted whether our law authorised the holding of slaves, if legitimate slavery was ever authorised in Connecticut, it must have been by Natural Law. Master & Servant, Of slaves
1813-07-01 to 1813-07-31 Gould, James Apprentices from a French word signifying to learn--the reason of which that those servants who come under this description are generally bound out to get instruction. Apprentices, Master & Servant
1813-07-01 to 1813-07-31 Gould, James The Master has a right to chastise his Servant for breach or neglect of duty, as for disobedience, insolence or ill manners Master & Servant, Master's authority over his servant
1813-07-01 to 1813-07-31 Gould, James Menial servants: they are so called because they are domestic servants and generally employed intra moenia Master & Servant, Menial servants
1813-07-01 to 1813-07-31 Gould, James By Stat 5th Eliz. and 6th of Geo 1st, all persons having no visible means of subsistence may be compelled to labor at wages fixed by the Justices of the Sessions. Day labourers Agents, Master & Servant
1813-07-01 to 1813-07-31 Gould, James Attorneys are of the same class of servants. An attorney has a lien upon the papers and judgment of his client for his fees and he may direct the adverse party against whom judgment is given Attorneys, Master & Servant
1813-07-01 to 1813-07-31 Gould, James As to when the Master is bound by the acts of the servants generally and when he can take advantage of them Master & Servant, Rules applicable to Master & Servant
1813-07-01 to 1813-07-31 Gould, James This species of servants is unknown to the Common Law, the Statutes of Conn. Debtors assigned in service, Master & Servant
1813-07-01 to 1813-07-31 Gould, James The Post Master is himself a servant. He contracts with the public for the faithful discharge of his duty for hire. Master & Servant, Post masters
1813-07-01 to 1813-07-31 Gould, James It is a general Rule that the Master is bound by the contracts of his servant made for him when the servant acts within the scope of his authority. Master & Servant, Master's liability for contracts of servants
1813-07-22 Gould, James The three great relations in private life are first, that of Master and Servant. Second, that of Husband and Wife, and Third, that of Parent and Child Master & servant, Master & Servant
1813-10-01 to 1813-10-31 Gould, James A minor child or Infant is any person, male or female, under the age of twenty-one years. Parent & child, Parent & child
1813-10-01 to 1813-10-31 Gould, James Marriage settlement agreements made by Infants with their Parents or Guardians consent will benerally be binding in Chancery. Marriage settlement agreements, Parent & child
1813-10-01 to 1813-10-31 Gould, James By the word power as here used is meant as authority delegated by one to another. Parent & child, Powers that an Infant is capable of executing
1813-10-01 to 1813-10-31 Gould, James A legitimate child is one that is defined to be born within lawful wedlock or within a competent time afterwards. Of legitimate & illegitimate children, Parent & child
1813-10-01 to 1813-10-31 Gould, James It is the duty of Parents in all cases to support their children and this duty is founded upon the Law of Nature. Parent & child, Reciprocal duties of maintenance