Lincoln’s Code

The Civil War and the Law of War

ASIL’s Lieber Society on the Law of Armed Conflict and the American Red Cross sponsored a historical panel discussion on the application of the law of war in the American Civil War, in remembrance of the 150th anniversary of that conflict. Military historians and law of war experts Gary Solis, Isabelle Daoust, and Richard Jackson will presented historical vignettes, describing the application of the law of war (often referred to as international humanitarian law) to the Civil War.

Lincoln’s Code: The Puzzling History of the Laws of War

John Fabian Witt, Allen H. Duffy Class of 1960 Professor of Law, Inaugural Lecture.An expert in American legal history, John Fabian Witt joined Yale Law School in 2009 and was named the Allen H. Duffy Class of 1960 Professor of Law in March 2010. He is also a Professor of History at Yale. He previously taught at Columbia Law School for eight years and was a Harrington Faculty Fellow at the University of Texas in the Fall of 2004 and a visiting professor at Harvard Law School in the spring of 2005.He has written extensively about the history of American law and torts.

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