Maat detail, the Papyrus Nodjnet, Book of the Dead, circa 1300 BCE.
Copyright: The Trustees of the British Museum
Akkadian period, circa 2350 - 2100 BCE, from Gods, Demons, and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia: An Illustrated Dictionary by Jeremy Black and Anthony Green, illustrations by
Tessa Rickards, 1992.
Copyright: University of Texas Press and the Trustees of the British Museum, 1992. Image reproduced
with the permission of both copyright holders -
The Good Prince in his Council, emblem from the Complete Works of Andreas Alciatus, vol. 4, 1582.
Image reproduced courtesy of the Rare Book Collection, Lillian Goldman Law Library, Yale Law School.
Justice (or Prudence, Justice and Peace) Jurgen Ovens, 1662, Magistrate's Chamber, Town Hall (Royal Palace), Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Photograph copyright: Stichtin Koninklijk Paleis Amsterdam.
The Justice (Judgment) of Cambyses, Gerard David, 1498
Copyright: Musea Brugge, Groeningemusuem
Mundanae iustitiae effigies (A Portrait of Worldly Justice) in Joost de Damhoudere’s Praxis rerum civilium (Legal Practice in Civil Matters), 1567 edition.
Image courtesy of the Rare Book Collection, Lillian Goldman Law Library, Yale Law School.
The Fool Blindfolding Justice, sometimes attributed to Albrecht Dürer, 1494, a woodcut illustrating Sebastian Brant’s The Ship of Fools, printed in Basel, Switzerland.
Image courtesy of Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.
The Tribunal of Fools, from the Bambergensis (Bambergische Halsgerichtsordnung), 1508.
Image reproduced courtesy of the Rare Book Collection, Lillian Goldman Law Library, Yale Law School.
Allegory of Justice, Peter Paul Rubens, circa 1625.
Image reproduced courtesy of Noortman Master Paintings, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Justice, Romuald Kraus, 1938 (photograph taken 2006), United States Federal Courthouse and Post Office, Newark, New Jersey.
Image reproduced courtesy of the court and James J. Waldron, Clerk of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Jersey and Director of the Historical Society for the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey.
Lady Justice, Diana K. Moore, 1996, Warren B. Rudman Federal Courthouse, Concord, New Hampshire.
Photographer: Nick Wheeler. Photograph provided by the architectural firm of Shepley Bulfinch Richardson and Abbott. The image is reproduced courtesy of the artist, Diana Moore, and with the permission of the architectural firm. -
Justice, Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1778, study for the west window, New College Chapel, Oxford University.
Image reproduced with the permission of Thomas Agnew and Sons, Ltd. -
Mural, attributed to Ivan Bartlett, circa 1939 (photograph taken 2007), Old Ada County Courthouse, Ada, Idaho.
Copyright: Paul Hosefros for Lemley International. Photograph reproduced with the permission of photographer Paul Hosefros.
Pursuits of Life in Mississippi, Simka Simkhovitch, 1938, Post Office and Courthouse, Jackson, Mississippi.
Archival photograph courtesy of the Fine Arts Collection, United States General Services Administration. -
Justice as Protector and Avenger, Stefan Hirsch, 1938, Charles E. Simons Jr. Federal Courthouse,
Aiken, South Carolina.
Image reproduced courtesy of the Fine Arts Collection, United States General Services Administration. -
Cat on Trial in Law of Nature, Tom Otterness, 1997, Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse, Portland, Oregon.
Photograph copyright: 1997 Laurie Black. Photograph provided by Laurie Black and Tom Otterness Studio. -
United States Courthouse Buildings and Renovations: A Sampling, 1998 - 2002
Photographs by Taylor Lednuim, Thomas Grooms, and Frank Ooms, and provided courtesy of the Design Excellence Program, Office of the Chief Architect, United States General Services Admnistration. -
Engraved title page, Dutch Law and Practice in Civil and Criminal Matters (Practycke der nederlansche rechten van de daghelijcksche soo civile als criminele questien) by Bernhard van Zutphen, 1655.
Image courtesy of the Rare Book Collection, Lillian Goldman Law Library, Yale Law School.
Lady of Justice, Jan R. Mitchell, 1993, Almeric L. Christian Federal Building, St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands.
Photographer: Steffen Larsen. Photograph reproduced with the permission of the artist and the photographer and courtesy of the United States General Services Administration.