Transitional and Transnational Idioms
Symbolic Courts with Facades of Glass
- Opaque Transparency
- The Politics of Glass
- Zones of Authority
Replenishing the Visual Vocabulary
- An Interdependent Collective: The Cardinal Four of Justice, Prudence, Temperance and Fortitude
- The Burdens of Judging: The Nails of a Nkisi Figure
Facing Justice’s Injustice
- Nelson Mandela’s Jail as South Africa’s Constitutional Court
- Aiming to Capture the Humanity of Social Interdependence
- Prison Vistas of Barbed Wire
- Splashes of Color and References to Oppression
- The Challenge of Crime and Caseloads
- Visually Recording (in)Justice in Mexico’s Supreme Court
- Mexican Muralists, Orozco, and “Profoundly National” Paintings
- George Biddle’s Redemption from the Horrors of War
- Cauduro’s Vision: Torture, Homicide, and Other Crimes, Unpunished
- Impunity and Insecurity
Open Tents, Tattered Coats, and the Challenges Entailed in Democratic Promises of Justice
- “If performed in the open air”: The Federal Court of Australia’s Ruling on the Ngaanyatjarra Land Claims
- Terra nullius and the Native Title Act
- Commemorating Power, Witnessing Compromise
- An Icon of Free Legal Services in Minnesota
- More Courthouses than Counties
- A Jacket, Worn
Facets of Judgment