The collection can be sorted by the popular name of the law, by the date of its enactment, or by descriptive category of naming convention. The categories are our attempt to bring some degree of order to the chaos.
Database of Federal Statute Names
Database of Federal Statute Popular Names
Title | Type | Popular Name | Short Title | Named For? | Classification | PL | Statute At Large | Date(s) Enacted | Interesting Part Statutized? | Leads to other named Legislation | Link/Source | Notes |
Pittman Embassy Picketing Act | Sponsor | Pittman Embassy Picketing Act | NO short title | Sen. Key Pittman, (D-NV) | 22 USC 255a, 255b | ch 29, 52 Stat 30 | N | |
repealed, not statutized; prohibiting picketing (except for labor disputes) in front of embassies | |||
Cooley Tobacco Act (see Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938) | Sponsor | Cooley Tobacco Act (see Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938) | "Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938" | Rep. Harold Dunbar Cooley (D-NC) | 7 USC 1281 | ch 30, 52 Stat 31 | N | |
"Cooley Tobacco Act" not statutized | |||
Jones Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 (see Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938) | Sponsor | Jones Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 (see Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938) | "Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938" | Rep. John Marvin Jones (D-TX) | 7 USC 1281 | ch 30, 52 Stat 31 | N | |
"Jones" not statutized; short title at beginning | |||
Lee-Caraway-Gearhart Act (Cotton and Tobacco) (see Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938) | Sponsor | Lee-Caraway-Gearhart Act (Cotton and Tobacco) (see Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938) | "Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938" | Sen. Joshua Bryan Lee, (D-OK); Sen. Hattie Wyatt Caraway, (D-AK); Rep. Bertrand Wesley Gearhart, (R-CA) | 7 USC 1281 | ch 30, 52 Stat 31 | N |;; |
"Lee-Caraway-Gearhart" not statutized; short title at beginning | |||
Steagall R.F.C. Relief Organizations Act | Sponsor | Steagall R.F.C. Relief Organizations Act | NO short title | Rep. Henry B. Steagall (D-AL) | ch 32, 52 Stat 79 | X | |
nothing in statute\ | ||||
Wheeler-Lea Act | Sponsor | Wheeler-Lea Act | NO short title | Sen. Burton Wheeler (D-MT); Rep. Clarence Lea (D-CA) | ch 49, 52 Stat 111 | X |; |
nothing in statute; FTC | ||||
Barkley-Norris Resolution (T.V. Authoirty) | Sponsor | Barkley-Norris Resolution (T.V. Authoirty) | NO short title | Sen. Alben Barkley (D-KY); Sen. George Norris (I-NE) | ch. 61, 52 Stat 154 | X |; |
nothing in statute; establishing a joint committee to investigate the Tenn. Valley Authority - wonder if Barkley/Norris were chairs or sponsors? | ||||
May Army Officer Strength Act | Sponsor | May Army Officer Strength Act | NO short title | Rep. Andrew Jackson May (D-KY) | ch 146, 52 Stat 216 | X | |
nothing in statute | ||||
Mitchell Act (Columbia River Basin Fishery Development) | Honor | Mitchell Act (Columbia River Basin Fishery Development) | NO short title | Hugh C. Mitchell, director of Fish Culture for the State of Oregon in the 1930s | 16 USC 755 | ch 193, 52 Stat 345 | N | |
name not statutized | |||
Gearhart Armistice Day Act (see Armistice Day Act) | Sponsor | Gearhart Armistice Day Act (see Armistice Day Act) | NO short title | Rep. Bertrand Gearhart (R-CA) | ch 210, 52 Stat 351 | X | |
nothing in statute (PNT notes renamed Veterans Day Act) |