The collection can be sorted by the popular name of the law, by the date of its enactment, or by descriptive category of naming convention. The categories are our attempt to bring some degree of order to the chaos.
Database of Federal Statute Names
Database of Federal Statute Popular Names
Title | Type | Popular Name | Short Title | Named For? | Classification | PL | Statute At Large | Date(s) Enacted | Interesting Part Statutized? | Leads to other named Legislation | Link/Source | Notes |
John H. Chafee Coastal Barrier Resources System Act | Honor | John H. Chafee Coastal Barrier Resources System Act | "John H. Chafee Coastal Barrier Resources System Act" | Sen. John Chafee (RI) who died on October 24, 1999. Introduced after Chafee's death, though Congressional record indicates he worked on the law. | 16 USC 3501 | 106-167 | 113 Stat 1803 | Y |
CR S14005-14007, Nov. 4, 1999. |
statutory title -- law is specifically to redesignate the Coastal Barrier Resources System in John Chafee's name | ||
Chris Zajicek Memorial Land Exchange Act of 2004 | Honor | Chris Zajicek Memorial Land Exchange Act of 2004 | "Chris Zajicek Memorial Land Exchange Act of 2004" | Likely named for Chris Zajicek, accquisition specialist w/ the US Forest Service. | 108-447, div. E, Title III, Section 347 | 118 Stat 3106 | Y | |
White Act (Collisions on Great Lakes) | Sponsor | White Act (Collisions on Great Lakes) | NO short title | Most likely Rep. George Elon (R-IL) (other White was from CA) | 33 USC 241 | ch 64, 28 Stat 645 | N | |
name not statutized | |||
Lea Act (Radio-Coercive Practices) | Sponsor | Lea Act (Radio-Coercive Practices) | NO short title | Rep. Clarence Frederick Lea, (D-CA) | 47 USC 506 | ch. 138, 60 Stat 89 | N | |
name not statutized (repealed) | |||
O and P Nonimmigrant Amendments of 1991 | Description | O and P Nonimmigrant Amendments of 1991 | "O and P Nonimmigrant Amendments of 1991" | 8 USC 1101 (note) | 102-232, title II | 105 Stat 1736 | N | short title; "O" and "P" refer to sections of the Immigration and Nationality Act | ||||
Javits-Wagner-O'Day Act | Sponsor | Javits-Wagner-O'Day Act | NO short title | Sen. Robert Wagner (NY) and Rep. Caroline O'Day (NY) were in Congress when the original provision was passed in 1938, but Sen. Jacob Javits (NY) was not elected to Congress until 1957. The act was revised in 1971 (85 Stat 77) and it is possible Javits was the sponsor of that amendment. | ch. 697, 52 Stat 1196 | Y |
Wagner -; O'Day -; Javits - |
nothing in statute; creating committee on purchasing blind-made products; amended to add short title "Javits-Wagner-O'Day Act" by 108 Stat 3409 in 1994; THIS IS THE ONLY SPONSOR STATUTE NAMED FOR A WOMAN | ||||
Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933 | Description | Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933 | "Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933" | Ch. 30, 48 Stat 55 | ||||||||
Miller Act | Sponsor | Miller Act | NO short title | Rep. John Miller (D-AR) | ch 642, 49 Stat 793 | Y | |
amended to include short title "Miller Act" by 108 Stat 3409 in 1994 | ||||
No entry | Description | No entry | "Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1926" | Ch. 771, 44 Stat 841 | ||||||||
Webb Exporter Combination Act (see Webb-Pomerene Act) | Sponsor | Webb Exporter Combination Act (see Webb-Pomerene Act) | NO short title | Rep. Edwin Yates Webb, (D-N.C.) | 15 USC 66 | ch 50, 40 Stat 516 | N | |
see "Webb-Pomerene Act" |