The collection can be sorted by the popular name of the law, by the date of its enactment, or by descriptive category of naming convention. The categories are our attempt to bring some degree of order to the chaos.
Database of Federal Statute Names
Database of Federal Statute Popular Names
Title | Type | Popular Name | Short Title | Named For? | Classification | PL | Statute At Large | Date(s) Enacted | Interesting Part Statutized? | Leads to other named Legislation | Link/Source | Notes |
Truman-Hobbs Act (aka Hobbs Bridge Act) | Sponsor | Truman-Hobbs Act (aka Hobbs Bridge Act) | NO short title | Sen. Harry S. Truman (future POTUS); (D-MO); Rep. Samuel Francis Hobbs, (D-AL) | 33 USC 511 (note) | ch 409, 54 Stat 497 | N |;; |
name not statutized | |||
Truckee-Carson-Pyramid Lake Water Rights Settlement Act | Location | Truckee-Carson-Pyramid Lake Water Rights Settlement Act | "Truckee-Carson-Pyramid Lake Water Rights Settlement Act" | Truckee-Carson is an irrigation district and Pyramid is a lake in Nevada. | 101-618 | 104 Stat 3294 | N | short title; names of bodies of water | ||||
TRICARE Affirmation Act | Abbreviation | TRICARE Affirmation Act | "TRICARE Affirmative Act" | 26 USC 1 | 111-159 | 124 Stat 1123 | N | short title at beginning of statute; no indication what TRICARE is | ||||
TREAD Act | Acrostic | TREAD Act | "Transporation Recall Enhancement, Accountability, and Documentation (TREAD) Act" | 49 USC 30101 | 106-414 | 114 Stat 1800 | N | short title at beginning of statute | ||||
Trading with the enemy Act | Description | Trading with the enemy Act | "Trading with the Enemy Act" | NOTE - referred to by Ch. 64, 40 Stat 535 (passed 4/28/1918) | ||||||||
Towner-Sheppard Act (Maternity Hyiene) (see Maternity Act) | Sponsor | Towner-Sheppard Act (Maternity Hyiene) (see Maternity Act) | NO short title | Sen. Morris Sheppard, (D-TX); Rep. Horace Mann Towner, Ill, (R-IA) | ch 135, 42 Stat 224 | X |; |
nothing in statute | ||||
Tom Osborne Federal Youth Coordination Act | Honor/Sponsor | Tom Osborne Federal Youth Coordination Act | "Tom Osborne Federal Youth Coordination Act" | Rep. Thomas Osborne (NE), retired from the House in 2006. | 109-365, title VIII | 120 Stat 2594 | Y | |
Osborne had sponsored HR 856 (109th Cong.), which was incorporated into PL 109-365 as Title VIII and Osborne's name added. | |||
Tom Lantos Block Burmese JADE (Junta's Anti-Democratic Efforts) Act of 2008 | Honor | Tom Lantos Block Burmese JADE (Junta's Anti-Democratic Efforts) Act of 2008 | "Tom Lantos Block Burmese JADE (Junta's Anti-Democratic Efforts) Act of 2008" | Rep. Thomas Lantos (CA), was Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs until his death on Feb. 11, 2008. | 50 USC 1701 (note) | 110-286 | 122 Stat 2632 | Y | |
short title | ||
Tom Lantos and Henry J. Hyde United States Global Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Reauthorization Act of 2008 | Honor | Tom Lantos and Henry J. Hyde United States Global Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Reauthorization Act of 2008 | "Tom Lantos and Henry J. Hyde United States Global Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Reauthorization Act of 2008" | Rep. Thomas Lantos (CA), was Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs until his death on Feb. 11, 2008. Rep. Henry J. Hyde (IL), was Chair of the Committee on International Relations, died on Nov. 29, 2007. | 22 USC 7601 (note) | 110-293 | 122 Stat 2918 | Y |
Lantos -; Hyde - |
short title | ||
Tobacco Inspection Act | Description | Tobacco Inspection Act | "Tobacco Inspection Act" | 7 USC 511q | Ch. 623, 49 Stat 731 |