The collection can be sorted by the popular name of the law, by the date of its enactment, or by descriptive category of naming convention. The categories are our attempt to bring some degree of order to the chaos.
Database of Federal Statute Names
Database of Federal Statute Popular Names
Title | Type | Popular Name | Short Title | Named For? | Classification | PL | Statute At Large | Date(s) Enacted | Interesting Part Statutized? | Leads to other named Legislation | Link/Source | Notes |
Food for Progress Act of 1985 | Political Description | Food for Progress Act of 1985 | "Food for Progress Act of 1985" | 7 USC 1736o(a) | 99-198, title XI, S 1110 | 99 Stat 1472 | Y | short title at beginning of S 1110 | ||||
Bill Emerson Humanitarian Trust Act | Honor | Bill Emerson Humanitarian Trust Act | "Food Security Wheat Reserve Act of 1980" | Rep. Bill Emerson (MO) died in 1996. | 7 USC 1736f-1 | 96-494 (Title III) | 94 Stat 2578 | Y | |
law amended to change short title to "Bill Emerson Humanitarian Trust Act" by 112 Stat 3466 (1998) ("Bill Emerson Humanitarian Trust Act of 1998") | ||
Guayule Rubber Act | Description | Guayule Rubber Act | NO short title | 7 USC 171 | ch. 140, 56 Stat 126 | N | guayule is a thing; name not statutized | |||||
Mickey Leland Food for Peace Act | Honor | Mickey Leland Food for Peace Act | "Mickey Leland Food for Peace Act" | Rep. George Thomas (Mickey) Leland (TX), was Chairman of the Select Committee on Hunger. Killed in an aircraft crash in Ehtiopia while en route to a UN refugee camp. | 7 uSC 1691 (note) | 101-624, title XV, subtitle A (section 1511) | 104 Stat 3633 | Y | |
short title at 1511; | ||
Mickey Leland Memorial Domestic Hunger Relief Act | Honor | Mickey Leland Memorial Domestic Hunger Relief Act | "Mickey Leland Memorial Domestic Hunger Relief Act" | Rep. George Thomas (Mickey) Leland (TX), was Chairman of the Select Committee on Hunger. Killed in an aircraft crash in Ehtiopia while en route to a UN refugee camp. | 7 uSC 1691 (note) | 101-624, title XVII | 104 Stat 3783 | Y | |
short title at 1701 | ||
Food for Peace Act | Political Description | Food for Peace Act | "Argicultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954" | 7 USC 1691 | ch 469, 68 Stat 454 | Y | Bill title and all references changed to "Food for Peace Act" by 122 Stat 1821 (2008) | |||||
Food for Peace Act of 1966 | Political Description | Food for Peace Act of 1966 | "Food for Peace Act of 1966" | 7 USC 1691 | 89-808 | 80 Stat 1526 | Y | short title at beginning of statute; amending Argicultural Trade Development and Assistance Act | ||||
Purnell Act (Corn Borer Eradication) | Sponsor | Purnell Act (Corn Borer Eradication) | NO short title | Rep. Fred Sampson Purnell, (R-IN) | 7 USC 146 | ch 90, 44 Stat 1065 | N | |
not statutized; corn borer was a kind of pest | |||
Cooley Tobacco Act (see Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938) | Sponsor | Cooley Tobacco Act (see Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938) | "Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938" | Rep. Harold Dunbar Cooley (D-NC) | 7 USC 1281 | ch 30, 52 Stat 31 | N | |
"Cooley Tobacco Act" not statutized | |||
Jones Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 (see Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938) | Sponsor | Jones Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 (see Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938) | "Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938" | Rep. John Marvin Jones (D-TX) | 7 USC 1281 | ch 30, 52 Stat 31 | N | |
"Jones" not statutized; short title at beginning |