The collection can be sorted by the popular name of the law, by the date of its enactment, or by descriptive category of naming convention. The categories are our attempt to bring some degree of order to the chaos.
Database of Federal Statute Names
Database of Federal Statute Popular Names
Title | Type | Popular Name | Short Title | Named For? | Classification | PL | Statute At Large | Date(s) Enacted | Interesting Part Statutized? | Leads to other named Legislation | Link/Source | Notes |
District of Columbia Alley Dwelling Act | Description | District of Columbia Alley Dwelling Act | "District of Columbia Alley Dwelling Act" | Ch. 465, 48 Stat 930 | ||||||||
District of Columbia Credit Unions Act | Description | District of Columbia Credit Unions Act | "District of Columbia Credit Unions Act" | Ch. 272, 47 Stat 326 | ||||||||
District of Columbia minimum wage law | Description | District of Columbia minimum wage law | "District of Columbia minimum-wage law" | ch 174, 40 Stat 960 | N | short title at end | ||||||
Nolan Minimum Wage Law (District of Columbia) (see District of Columbia Minimum Wage Act) | Sponsor | Nolan Minimum Wage Law (District of Columbia) (see District of Columbia Minimum Wage Act) | "District of Columbia minimum-wage law" | John Ignatius Nolan, (R-CA) | ch 174, 40 Stat 960 | N | |
short title at end - "District of Columbia minimum-wage law"; Nolan was pro-labor rep from CA - | ||||
District of Columbia Unemployment Compensation Act | Description | District of Columbia Unemployment Compensation Act | "District of Columbia Unemployment Compensation Act" | Ch. 794, 49 Stat 946 | ||||||||
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act | Sponsor | Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act | "Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act" | Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), each were Chairmen of the respective Committees of jurisdiction. | 12 USC 5301 (note) | 111-203 | 124 Stat 1376 | Y |
Damian Paletta, It Has a Name: the Dodd/Frank Act, Wall Street Journal, June 25, 2010,; Dodd -; Frank - |
title of bill and short title | ||
Doug Barnard, Jr. -- 1996 Atlanta Centennial Olypmic Games Commemorative Coin Act | Honor/Sponsor | Doug Barnard, Jr. -- 1996 Atlanta Centennial Olypmic Games Commemorative Coin Act | "Doug Barnard, Jr. -- 1996 Atlanta Centennial Olypmic Games Commemorative Coin Act" | Rep. Doug Barnard, Jr. (GA), retired 1992. | 31 USC 5112 (note) | 102-390 | 106 Stat 1620 | Y | |
Barnard was the sponsor, but the version he introduced did not include his name, which was added some time during the House consideration. | ||
Dr. James Allen Veteran Vision Equity Act of 2007 | Honor | Dr. James Allen Veteran Vision Equity Act of 2007 | "Dr. James Allen Veteran Vision Equity Act of 2007" | Dr. James Allen is a professor of opthamology at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine. He worked for 33 years at the Veterans Affairs Hospital in Wisconsin. (Bill sponsored by Rep. Tammy Baldwin (WI)). | 38 USC 101 (note) | 110-157 | 121 Stat 1831 | Y |
H. Rept. 110-057 |
Drive for Teen Employment Act | Political Description | Drive for Teen Employment Act | "Drive for Teen Employment Act" | Cutesy play-on-words -- statute changes the exemption to child labor provisions of the FLSA for teenagers driving cars and trucks in the course of employment. | 29 USC 201 | 105-334 | 112 Stat 3137 | Y | short title at beginning of statute | |||
Dugger Mountain Wildnerness Act of 1999 | Location | Dugger Mountain Wildnerness Act of 1999 | "Dugger Mountain Wildnerness Act of 1999" | Dugger Mountain in Alabama. | 106-156 | 113 Stat 1741 | Y | |
short title; act is naming area of federal lands as "Dugger Mountain Wilderness", named for Dugger Mountain |