The collection can be sorted by the popular name of the law, by the date of its enactment, or by descriptive category of naming convention. The categories are our attempt to bring some degree of order to the chaos.
Database of Federal Statute Names
Database of Federal Statute Popular Names
Title | Type | Popular Name | Short Title | Named For? | Classification | PL | Statute At Large | Date(s) Enacted | Interesting Part Statutized? | Leads to other named Legislation | Link/Source | Notes |
George Bill | Sponsor | George Bill | NO short title | Sen. Walter Franklin George, (D-GA) | 12 USC 1801 | ch. 4, 59 Stat 5 | N | |
not statutized (repealed) | |||
No entry | Description | No entry | "The Street Readjustment Act of the District of Columbia" | Ch. 4, 47 Stat 747 | ||||||||
No entry | Description | No entry | "Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1924" | Ch. 4, 43 Stat 672 | ||||||||
Hastings Amendment | Sponsor | Hastings Amendment | NO short title | Rep. William Wirt Hastings, (D-OK) | ch. 4, 41 Stat 4 | X | |
nothing in statute, but this is one section of a larger statute -- Hastings maybe was sponsor of amendment that became that section? | ||||
Edmunds-Tucker Act (Polygamy) | Sponsor | Edmunds-Tucker Act (Polygamy) | NO short title | Sen. George Edmunds (R-VT); Rep. John Tucker (D-VA) | ch. 397, 24 Stat 635 | X |; |
nothing in statute; named for Sen Edmunds and Rep Tucker; repealed in 1978 | ||||
Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1938 | Description | Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1938 | "Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1938" | Ch. 396, 50 Stat 329 | ||||||||
Jones-McCormack Act (Saturday Half Holidays) | Sponsor | Jones-McCormack Act (Saturday Half Holidays) | NO short title | Rep. John McCormack (D-MA); Most likely Sen. Wesley L. Jones (R-WA) | ch. 396, 46 Stat 1482 | X |; |
Hard to tell whether the sponsor is Sen. Wesley Jones or Rep. John Jones, because the entry in the Cong. Rec. index for the bill has a typo and does not give the correct page for the Senate introduction of the measure. However, Rep. Jones did not participate in the House debate, and Sen. Jones chaired the Appropriations Committee at the time, so it seems more likely that he was the sponsor for whom the bill is named. | ||||
Gay Act (Public Lands in Louisiana) | Sponsor | Gay Act (Public Lands in Louisiana) | NO short title | Rep. Edward Gay (D-LA) | ch. 395, 25 Stat 877 | X | |
nothing in statute; returning land in Louisiana to the public domain, but no indication that Gay is the name of the area (also, searching for Gay Louisiana did not return any helpful results | ||||
Chandler Rail Bankruptcy Act | Sponsor | Chandler Rail Bankruptcy Act | NO short title | Rep. Walter Chandler (D-TN) | ch. 393, 53 Stat 1134 | X | |
no name in statute | ||||
No entry | Description | No entry | "Department of Labor Appropriation Act, 1936" | Ch. 39, 49 Stat 67 |