The collection can be sorted by the popular name of the law, by the date of its enactment, or by descriptive category of naming convention. The categories are our attempt to bring some degree of order to the chaos.
Database of Federal Statute Names
Database of Federal Statute Popular Names
Title | Type | Popular Name | Short Title | Named For? | Classification | PL | Statute At Large | Date(s) Enacted | Interesting Part Statutized? | Leads to other named Legislation | Link/Source | Notes |
Jackson Multi-Agency Campus Act of 2000 | Location | Jackson Multi-Agency Campus Act of 2000 | "Jackson Multi-Agency Campus Act of 2000" | Jackson, WY | 106-272 | 114 Stat 797 | Y | short title; Jackson, WY | ||||
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 | Political Description | No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 | "No Child Left Behind Act of 2001" | 20 USC 6301 | 107-110 | 115 Stat 1425 | Y | short title at beginning of statute | ||||
Paul D. Coverdell Teacher Protection Act of 2001 | Honor | Paul D. Coverdell Teacher Protection Act of 2001 | "Paul D. Coverdell Teacher Protection Act of 2001" | Sen. Paul Coverdell (GA), died in office on July 18, 2000. | 20 USC 6731 | 89-10, title II, part C, subpart 5 (section 2361); 107-110, title II, section 201 | 115 Stat 1667 | Y | |
short title | ||
Pro-Children Act of 2001 | Political Description | Pro-Children Act of 2001 | "Pro-Children Act of 2001" | 20 USC 7181 | 107-110, title IV, S 401 (89-10, title IV, part C, S 4301) | 115 Stat 1773 | Y | short title at beginning of Part C of amending text; regarding environmental tobacco smoke | ||||
Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act of 2001 | Honor | Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act of 2001 | "Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act of 2001" | Sen. Jacob K. Javits (NY), died in 1986. | 20 USC 7253 | 89-10, title V, part D, subpart 6 (section 5461)/107-110, title V, section 501 | 115 Stat 1826 | Y | |
short title | ||
Carol M White Physical Education Program | Honor | Carol M White Physical Education Program | "Carol M. White Physical Education Program" | Cannot find any information about Carol M. White. | 20 USC 7261 | 107-110 | 115 Stat 1841 | Y | Definitely written in to 107-110 -- originally 89-10, but that did not have Carol M White name; White added in NCLB | |||
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2001 | Sponsor | McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2001 | "McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2001" | Rep. Stewart McKinney, (R-CT); Rep. Bruce Vento, (D-Farmer-Labour-MN) | 42 USC 11301 (note) | 107-110, title X, part C (section 1031) | 115 Stat 1989 | Y |; |
short title | ||
ILSA Extension Act of 2001 | Abbreviation | ILSA Extension Act of 2001 | "ILSA Extension Act of 2001" | 50 USC 1701 | 107-24 | 115 Stat 199 | N | short title at beginning of statute; ILSA is not spelled out | ||||
Kenneth M. Ludden Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, Fiscal Year 2002 | Honor | Kenneth M. Ludden Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, Fiscal Year 2002 | "Kenneth M. Ludden Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, Fiscal Year 2002" | Ken Ludden, Legislative Coordinator in the Treasury's Office of the Assistant Secretary for International Affairs and former staffer on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Ludden died on Sept. 10, 2001. | 107-115 | 115 Stat 2118 | Y |
CR S10897-98, Oct. 23, 2001. |
Named for Ludden by floor amendment in the Senate | |||
Mark-to-Market Extension Act of 2001 | Description | Mark-to-Market Extension Act of 2001 | "Mark-to-Market Extension Act of 2001" | 42 USC 1437 | 107-116, title VI | 115 Stat 2220 | Y | short title at beginning of title VI; can't tell what mark-to-market means |