The collection can be sorted by the popular name of the law, by the date of its enactment, or by descriptive category of naming convention. The categories are our attempt to bring some degree of order to the chaos.
Database of Federal Statute Names
Database of Federal Statute Popular Names
Title | Type | Popular Name | Short Title | Named For? | Classification | PL | Statute At Large | Date(s) Enacted | Interesting Part Statutized? | Leads to other named Legislation | Link/Source | Notes |
Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act Amendments of 1990 | Honor | Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act Amendments of 1990 | "Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act Amendments of 1990" | Rep. Carl D. Perkins (KY) was chair of the Committee on Education and Labor for 16 years until his death in 1984. | 20 USC 2301 | 101-392 | 104 Stat 753 | Y | |
in short title, and formal title amends "Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act" | ||
Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 | Honor | Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 | "Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvements Act of 2006" | 20 USC 2301 (note) | 88-210, 109-270 | 120 Stat 683 | Y | short title is in 109-270 | ||||
Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvements Act of 2006 | Honor | Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvements Act of 2006 | "Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvements Act of 2006" | Rep. Carl D. Perkins (KY) was chair of the Committee on Education and Labor for 16 years until his death in 1984. | 20 USC 2301 (note) | 109-270 | 120 Stat 683 | Y | |
separate entry in table - hard to tell what it really is | ||
CAPTA Reauthorization Act of 2010 | Abbreviation | CAPTA Reauthorization Act of 2010 | "CAPTA Reauthorization Act of 2010" | 42 USC 5101 | 111-320 | 124 Stat 3459 | N | reauthorizing Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act | ||||
Cameron Gulbransen Kids Transportation Safety Act of 2007 (aka K.T. Safety Act of 2007) | Victim | Cameron Gulbransen Kids Transportation Safety Act of 2007 (aka K.T. Safety Act of 2007) | "Cameron Gulbransen Kids Transportation Safety Act of 2007" or "K.T. Safety Act of 2007" | Named for Cameron Gulbransen, 2-yr-old who was killed when his father backed over him in the driveway. | 49 USC 30111 | 110-189 | 122 Stat 639 | Y | |
written as title; short title has both Gulbransen and "K.T. Safety Act of 2007" | ||
Buy American Act of 1988 | Political Description | Buy American Act of 1988 | "Buy American Act of 1988" | 41 USC 101 | 100-418, title VII | 102 Stat 1545 | Y | short title at beginning of statute | ||||
Bunning-Bereuter-Blumenauer Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2004 | Sponsor | Bunning-Bereuter-Blumenauer Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2004 | "Bunning-Bereuter-Blumenauer Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2004" | Sen. James Bunning (KY), Rep. Douglas Bereuter (NE), Rep. Earl Blumenauer (OR) | 42 USC 4001 | 108-264 | 118 Stat 712 | Y |
Bunning -; Bereuter -; Blumenauer -; |
name written as short title | ||
Good-McCormick Act (Budget) (see Budget and Accounting Act, 1921) | Sponsor | Good-McCormick Act (Budget) (see Budget and Accounting Act, 1921) | "Budget and Accounting Act, 1921" | Most likely Sen. Joseph McCormick (R-IL), who was Chairman of the Committee on Expenditures in Executive Departments at the time. Rep. James William Good (R-IA) | ch 18, 42 Stat 20 | N |; |
short title at beginning "Budget and Accounting Act, 1921" | ||||
McCormick Act (Budget) (see Budget and Accoutning Act, 1921) | Sponsor | McCormick Act (Budget) (see Budget and Accoutning Act, 1921) | "Budget and Accounting Act, 1921" | Most likely Sen. Joseph McCormick (R-IL), who was Chairman of the Committee on Expenditures in Executive Departments at the time. | N | |
short title at beginning "Budget and Accounting Act, 1921" | |||||
Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act | Honor | Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act | "Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act" | James Brady, Ronald Reagan's press secretary who was shot by Hinkley in the course of his assassination attempt. | 18 USC 921 | 103-159 (Title I) | 107 Stat 1536 | Y | |
name in short title; also Title I listed as "Brady Handgun Control" |