The collection can be sorted by the popular name of the law, by the date of its enactment, or by descriptive category of naming convention. The categories are our attempt to bring some degree of order to the chaos.
Database of Federal Statute Names
Database of Federal Statute Popular Names
Title | Type | Popular Name | Short Title | Named For? | Classification | PL | Statute At Large | Date(s) Enacted | Interesting Part Statutized? | Leads to other named Legislation | Link/Source | Notes |
Bryson Act | Sponsor | Bryson Act | NO short title | Rep. Joseph Raleigh Bryson, (D-SC) | 35 USC 1 | ch. 950, 66 Stat 792 | N | |
name not statutized | |||
Wunderlich Act | Case | Wunderlich Act | NO short title | Named for U.S. v. Wunderlich (1951); Act was enacted to overturn the decision | ch 199, 68 Stat 81 | X | nothing in statute; permitting review of decisions by govt agency heads | |||||
Food for Peace Act | Political Description | Food for Peace Act | "Argicultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954" | 7 USC 1691 | ch 469, 68 Stat 454 | Y | Bill title and all references changed to "Food for Peace Act" by 122 Stat 1821 (2008) | |||||
Klamath Termination Act | Location | Klamath Termination Act | NO short title | Klamath, OR | 25 USC 564 | ch. 732, 68 Stat 718 | N | name not statutized; Klamath, OR | ||||
Hiss Act (Pensions) | Case | Hiss Act (Pensions) | NO short title | Accused spy and convicted perjurer Alger Hiss | ch. 1214, 68 Stat 1142 | X |
Hiss v. Hampton, 338 F.Supp. 1141 (D.D.C. 1972) |
nothing in statute | ||||
Capeheart Housing Act | Sponsor | Capeheart Housing Act | NO short title | Sen. Homer Capeheart (R-IN) | ch. 783, 69 Stat 646 | X | |
no name in statute, although it specifies that it amends the "National Housing Act" | ||||
Humphrey-Thye-Blatnik-Andresen Act | Sponsor | Humphrey-Thye-Blatnik-Andresen Act | NO short title | Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D-MN), Sen. Edward Thye (R-MN), Rep. John Blatnik (D-MN), and Rep. Herman Andersen (R-MN). | 16 USC 577d-1 | ch. 425, 70 Stat 326 | Y |
Humphrey -; Thye -; Blatnik -; Andersen - |
statutized by reference in S. 4, 78 Stat 893; lands in northern MN | |||
Automobile Dealers' Day in Court Act | Political Description | Automobile Dealers' Day in Court Act | NO short title | 15 USC 1221 | ch 1038, 70 Stat 1125 | N | not statutized, but the official title is the longest and most political I've ever seen | |||||
Wheeler Coal-Miners Act (see Railroad Retirement Act of 1937) | Sponsor | Wheeler Coal-Miners Act (see Railroad Retirement Act of 1937) | NO short title | Sen. Burton Kendall Wheeler, (D-MT) | 45 USC 231t | 88 Stat 1305 | N | |
Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 retdirects to Railroad Retirement Act of 1974; Seems to have initiall been 1934, then updated in 1937 then in 1974, but it's unclear where the Coal Miners come in.; 88 Stat 1305: title I short title at end "Railroad Retirement Act of 1974", still unclear where Coal Minders; "Wheeler" not statutized | |||
Edward William Brooke III Congressional Gold Medal Act | Award | Edward William Brooke III Congressional Gold Medal Act | "Edward William Brooke III Congressional Gold Medal Act" | Sen. Edward William Brooke III (MA), who was the first African-American in the Senate after Reconstruction. | 31 USC 5111 (note) | 122 Stat 2433 | Y | |
title of statute and short title; nothing noted in USC |