The collection can be sorted by the popular name of the law, by the date of its enactment, or by descriptive category of naming convention. The categories are our attempt to bring some degree of order to the chaos.
Database of Federal Statute Names
Database of Federal Statute Popular Names
Title | Type | Popular Name | Short Title | Named For? | Classification | PL | Statute At Large | Date(s) Enacted | Interesting Part Statutized? | Leads to other named Legislation | Link/Source | Notes |
Fletcher-Rayburn Securities Act of 1933 (see Securities Act of 1933) | Sponsor | Fletcher-Rayburn Securities Act of 1933 (see Securities Act of 1933) | "Securities Act of 1933" | Sen. Duncan Upshaw Fletcher, (D-FL); Rep. Samuel Taliaferro Rayburn, (D-TX) | 15 USC 77a | 48 Stat 74 | N |; |
short title at beginning; "Fletcher-Rayburn" not statutized | |||
Hatch Political Activity Act | Sponsor | Hatch Political Activity Act | NO short title | Sen. Carl Hatch (D-NM) | ch. 410, 53 Stat 1147 | X | |
nothing in statute | ||||
Johnson Act (Gambling) (see Gambling Devices Transportation Act) | Sponsor | Johnson Act (Gambling) (see Gambling Devices Transportation Act) | NO short title | Sen. Edwin Johnson (D-CO) | 15 USC 1171 | ch 1194, 64 Stat 1134 | N | |
not statutized; See floor statements at 96 CR 15107 (Sept. 19, 1950) | |||
Dockery Act (Accounting) | Sponsor | Dockery Act (Accounting) | NO short title | Rep. Alexander Dockery (D-MO) | ch. 174, 28 Stat 205 | X | |
nothing in statute | ||||
Hawley Act (Settlement of Claims against Germany) | Sponsor | Hawley Act (Settlement of Claims against Germany) | NO short title | Rep. Willis C. Hawley (R-OR) (1907-1932) | ch. 402, 46 Stat 500 | X | |
nothing in statute | ||||
Hayden-Cartwright Act (see Federal Highway Act of 1938) | Sponsor | Hayden-Cartwright Act (see Federal Highway Act of 1938) | "Federal Highway Act" | Sen. Carl Trumbell Hayden, (D-AZ); Rep. Wilburn Cartwright, (D-OK) | ch 119, 42 Stat 212 | N |; |
short title at beginning "Federal Highway Act"; Section 2 specifies that two other acts will be referred to as the "Federal Aid Act" | ||||
Raker Act | Sponsor | Raker Act | NO short title | Rep. John Edward Raker, (D-CA) | ch 4, 38 Stat 242 | X | |
nothing in statute; granting land access rights in Yosemite to the city of SFO | ||||
Purnell Act (Corn Borer Eradication) | Sponsor | Purnell Act (Corn Borer Eradication) | NO short title | Rep. Fred Sampson Purnell, (R-IN) | 7 USC 146 | ch 90, 44 Stat 1065 | N | |
not statutized; corn borer was a kind of pest | |||
Hastings Amendment | Sponsor | Hastings Amendment | NO short title | Rep. William Wirt Hastings, (D-OK) | ch. 4, 41 Stat 4 | X | |
nothing in statute, but this is one section of a larger statute -- Hastings maybe was sponsor of amendment that became that section? | ||||
McKeown Act (Corporate Bankruptcy) | Sponsor | McKeown Act (Corporate Bankruptcy) | NO short title | Rep. Thomas McKeown (D-OK) (1917-1934) | ch 424, 48 Stat 911 | X | |
nothing in statute |