The collection can be sorted by the popular name of the law, by the date of its enactment, or by descriptive category of naming convention. The categories are our attempt to bring some degree of order to the chaos.
Database of Federal Statute Names
Database of Federal Statute Popular Names
Title | Type | Popular Name | Short Title | Named For? | Classification | PL | Statute At Large | Date(s) Enacted | Interesting Part Statutized? | Leads to other named Legislation | Link/Source | Notes |
Celler Act (Liquor Prescriptions) | Sponsor | Celler Act (Liquor Prescriptions) | NO short title | Rep. Emanuel Celler, (D-N.Y.) | ch. 18, 48 Stat 23 | X | |
no name in statute | ||||
Celler Anti-Merger Act (see Anti-Merger Act) | Sponsor | Celler Anti-Merger Act (see Anti-Merger Act) | NO short title | Rep. Emanuel Celler (D-NY) | ch. 1184, 64 Stat 1125 | X | |
no name in statute | ||||
Celler-Hennings Act of 1958 | Sponsor | Celler-Hennings Act of 1958 | NO short title | Rep. Emanuel Celler, (D-NY); Sen. Thomas Carey Hennings, Jr., (D-MO). | 28 USC 334 | 85-752 | 72 Stat 845 | N |; |
name not statutized | ||
Celler-Kefauver Act (see Anti-Merger Act) | Sponsor | Celler-Kefauver Act (see Anti-Merger Act) | NO short title | Rep. Emanuel Celler (D-NY); Sen. Carey Kefauver (D-TN) | ch 1184, 64 Stat 1125 | X |; |
nothing in statute | ||||
Chacoan Outliers Protection Act of 1995 | Location | Chacoan Outliers Protection Act of 1995 | "Chacoan Outliers Protection Act of 1995" | Chaco was a city in New Mexico a thousand years ago, now protected as a National Historical Park | 104-11 | 109 Stat 158 | Y | |||||
Chamberlain-Ferris Act | Sponsor | Chamberlain-Ferris Act | NO short title | Sen. George Earle Chamberlain, (D-OR); Rep. Scott Ferris, (D-OK) | ch. 137, 39 Stat 218 | X |; |
no name in statute; railroad/telegraph land grant | ||||
Chandler Act (Bankruptcy Revision) | Sponsor | Chandler Act (Bankruptcy Revision) | NO short title | Rep. Walter Chandler (D-TN) | ch. 575, 52 Stat 840 | X | |
no name in statute | ||||
Chandler Rail Bankruptcy Act | Sponsor | Chandler Rail Bankruptcy Act | NO short title | Rep. Walter Chandler (D-TN) | ch. 393, 53 Stat 1134 | X | |
no name in statute | ||||
Charles "Pete" Conrad Astronomy Awards Act | Honor | Charles "Pete" Conrad Astronomy Awards Act | "Charles 'Pete' Conrad Astronomy Awards Act" | Charles "Pete" Conrad, astronaut and third person to walk on the moon. | 51 USC 30902(a) | 109-155, Title VI, Section 613 | 119 Stat 2932 | Y | name of section 613; awards are named for Conrad | |||
Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge Enhancement Act of 2000 | Location | Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge Enhancement Act of 2000 | "Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge Enhancement Act of 2000" | Park in Montana was previously named for Charles M. Russell | 106-541, Title VIII | 114 Stat 2699 | Y | name in short title; odd note in SAL: "Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge Enhancement Act of 2000. Montana. |