The collection can be sorted by the popular name of the law, by the date of its enactment, or by descriptive category of naming convention. The categories are our attempt to bring some degree of order to the chaos.
Database of Federal Statute Names
Database of Federal Statute Popular Names
Title | Type | Popular Name | Short Title | Named For? | Classification | PL | Statute At Large | Date(s) Enacted | Interesting Part Statutized? | Leads to other named Legislation | Link/Source | Notes |
No entry | Description | No entry | "Criminal Code of the Canal Zone" | Ch. 109, 47 Stat 859 | ||||||||
Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1935 | Description | Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1935 | "Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1935" | Ch. 508, 49 Stat 571 | ||||||||
No entry | Description | No entry | "First Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1932" | Ch. 12, 47 Stat 15 | ||||||||
No entry | Description | No entry | "First Deficiency Act, Fiscal Year 1921" | Ch. 89, 41 Stat 1156 | ||||||||
Boulder Canyon Project Act | Description | Boulder Canyon Project Act | "Boulder Canyon Project Act" | Ch. 42, 45 Stat 1056 | ||||||||
Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1935 | Description | Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1935 | "Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1935" | Ch. 102, 48 Stat 509 | ||||||||
No entry | Description | No entry | "First Deficiency Act, Fiscal Year 1925" | Ch. 85, 43 Stat 753 | ||||||||
Intercoastal Shipping Act, 1933 | Description | Intercoastal Shipping Act, 1933 | "Intercoastal Shipping Act, 1933" | Ch. 199, 47 Stat 1425 | ||||||||
No entry | Description | No entry | "Department of Labor Appropriation Act, 1935" | Ch. 104, 48 Stat 529 | ||||||||
No entry | Description | No entry | "First Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1937" | Ch. 9, 50 Stat 8 |