The collection can be sorted by the popular name of the law, by the date of its enactment, or by descriptive category of naming convention. The categories are our attempt to bring some degree of order to the chaos.
Database of Federal Statute Names
Database of Federal Statute Popular Names
Title | Type | Popular Name | Short Title | Named For? | Classification | PL | Statute At Large | Date(s) Enacted | Interesting Part Statutized? | Leads to other named Legislation | Link/Source | Notes |
Ramspeck-Mead Act | Sponsor | Ramspeck-Mead Act | NO short title | Rep. Robert Ramspeck (D-GA); Sen. James Mead (D-NY) | ch 346, 55 Stat 613 | X |; |
nothing in statute; amending Classification Act of 1923 | ||||
HOME Investment Partnerships Act | Abrreviation | HOME Investment Partnerships Act | "HOME Investment Partnerships Act" | 42 USC 12701 | 101-625, title II | 104 Sat 4094 | Y | short title at beginning of title II; HOME is capitalized but does not seem to be an acronym | ||||
LEGACY Act of 2003 | Acrostic | LEGACY Act of 2003 | "Living Equitably: Grandparents Aiding Children and Youth Act of 2003" or "LEGACY Act of 2003" | 12 USC 1701q | 108-186, title II | 117 Stat 2688 | Y | short title at beginning of title II | ||||
Manderson Act (Printing and Binding) | Sponsor | Manderson Act (Printing and Binding) | NO short title | Sen. Charles Manderson (R-NE) | ch. 23, 28 Stat 601 | X | |
nothing in statute; establishes Public Printer - maybe name was first printer? | ||||
Ellender Sugar Act (see Sugar Act of 1937) | Sponsor | Ellender Sugar Act (see Sugar Act of 1937) | NO short title | Sen. Allen Ellender (D-LA) | ch 898, 50 Stat 903 | X | |
nothing in statute | ||||
Baldwin Amendment | Sponsor | Baldwin Amendment | NO short title | Rep. John Finley Baldwin, Jr., (R-CA) | Amending 1USC 23 | 89-139 section 4(a) | 79 Stat 578 | N | |
"Baldwin" not statutized; highway safety programs | ||
ANCSA Land Bank Protection Act of 1998 | Abbreviation | ANCSA Land Bank Protection Act of 1998 | "ANCSA Land Bank Protection Act of 1998" | 43 USC 1601 | 105-333 | 112 Stat 3129 | N | short title at the end of the statute; amending the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act | ||||
OPEN Government Act of 2007 | Acrostic | OPEN Government Act of 2007 | "Openness Promotes Effectiveness in our National Government Act of 2007" or "OPEN Government Act of 2007" | 5 USC 101 | 110-175 | 121 Stat 2524 | Y | short title at beginning of statute | ||||
National Firearms Act | Description | National Firearms Act | "National Firearms Act" | 26 USC 5849 | Ch. 757, 48 Stat 1236 | |||||||
Federal Water Power Act | Description | Federal Water Power Act | "The Federal Water Power Act" | ch. 285, 41 Stat 1063 |