The collection can be sorted by the popular name of the law, by the date of its enactment, or by descriptive category of naming convention. The categories are our attempt to bring some degree of order to the chaos.
Database of Federal Statute Names
Database of Federal Statute Popular Names
Title | Type | Popular Name | Short Title | Named For? | Classification | PL | Statute At Large | Date(s) Enacted | Interesting Part Statutized? | Leads to other named Legislation | Link/Source | Notes |
Reed Amendment | Sponsor | Reed Amendment | NO short title | Sen. James A. Reed (D-MO) | ch 162, section 5, 39 Stat 1069 | X | |
nothing in statute; prohibiting mailing ads for alcohol; see The Reed "Bone-Dry" Amendment, John K. Graves, Virginia Law Review , Vol. 4, No. 8 (May, 1917), pp. 634-642 | ||||
Lacey Act (Game) | Sponsor | Lacey Act (Game) | NO short title | Rep. John F. Lacey (R-IA), introduced bill | 16 USC 3371 | ch. 553, 31 Stat 187 | Y |; |
Name statutized through Lacey Act Amendments of 1981, 95 Stat 1073; conservation act | |||
Rankin Veterans Pension Act | Sponsor | Rankin Veterans Pension Act | NO short title | Rep. John Rankin (D-MS) | ch 402, 56 Stat 350 | X | |
nothing in statute | ||||
Mickey Leland Food for Peace Act | Honor | Mickey Leland Food for Peace Act | "Mickey Leland Food for Peace Act" | Rep. George Thomas (Mickey) Leland (TX), was Chairman of the Select Committee on Hunger. Killed in an aircraft crash in Ehtiopia while en route to a UN refugee camp. | 7 uSC 1691 (note) | 101-624, title XV, subtitle A (section 1511) | 104 Stat 3633 | Y | |
short title at 1511; | ||
HELP Commission Act | Acrostic | HELP Commission Act | "HELP Commission Act" | 22 USC 2394b(a) | 108-199, div B, title VI, Section 637 | 118 Stat 101 | Y | short title at beginning of section; HELP Commission stands for "Helping to Enhance the Livelihood of People (HELP) Around the Globe Commission" | ||||
Pendleton Act (Civil Service) (see Civil Service Act) | Sponsor | Pendleton Act (Civil Service) (see Civil Service Act) | NO short title | Sen. George Pendleton (D- OH) | ch 27, 22 Stat 403 | X | |
nothing in statute | ||||
Ashurst-Sumners Act | Sponsor | Ashurst-Sumners Act | NO short title | Sen. Henry Fountain Ashurst, (D-AZ); Rep. Hatton William Sumners, (D-TX) | ch. 406, 48 Stat 909 | N |; |
Robertson-Pittman Wildlife Restoration Act (see Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act) | Sponsor | Robertson-Pittman Wildlife Restoration Act (see Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act) | NO short title | Sen. Key Pittman (D-NV) and Rep. Absalom Robert (D-VA) | 16 USC 669 | ch 899, 50 Stat 917 | Y |
Pittman -; Robertson - |
statutized as "Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act" by S. 101(b) of 114 Stat 1762 | |||
George Rogers Clark National Historical Park Act | Location | George Rogers Clark National Historical Park Act | NO short title | Revolutionary War Col. George Rogers Clark (Indiana) | 16 USC 291 | 89-517 | 80 Stat 325 | Y | no short title, but statutory title explains that the act is accepting a statue of George Rogers Clark fore the creation of a National Historical Park | |||
Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Amendments of 1998 | Honor | Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Amendments of 1998 | "Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Amendments of 1998" | Rep. Carl D. Perkins (KY) was chair of the Committee on Education and Labor for 16 years until his death in 1984. | 20 USC 2301 | 105-332 | 112 Stat 3076 | Y | |
short title, also is amending law previously named for Perkins |