The collection can be sorted by the popular name of the law, by the date of its enactment, or by descriptive category of naming convention. The categories are our attempt to bring some degree of order to the chaos.
Database of Federal Statute Names
Database of Federal Statute Popular Names
Title | Type | Popular Name | Short Title | Named For? | Classification | PL | Statute At Large | Date(s) Enacted | Interesting Part Statutized? | Leads to other named Legislation | Link/Source | Notes |
Jones Act (Puerto Rico) (see Puerto Rican Federal Relations Act) | Sponsor | Jones Act (Puerto Rico) (see Puerto Rican Federal Relations Act) | NO short title | Rep. William Atkinson Jones, (D-VA) | 48 USC 731 | ch 145, 39 Stat 951 | N | |
Jones not statutized, included in note in code | |||
Hawley Act (Settlement of Claims against Germany) | Sponsor | Hawley Act (Settlement of Claims against Germany) | NO short title | Rep. Willis C. Hawley (R-OR) (1907-1932) | ch. 402, 46 Stat 500 | X | |
nothing in statute | ||||
Patterson Act (see Kidnapping Act) | Sponsor | Patterson Act (see Kidnapping Act) | NO short title | Sen. Roscoe Patterson (R-MO) | ch 301, 48 Stat 781 |
06/22/1932 05/18/1934 |
X | |
nothing in statute | |||
Cochran-Patterson Act (see Kidnapping Act) | Sponsor | Cochran-Patterson Act (see Kidnapping Act) | NO short title | Sen. Roscoe Patterson (R-MO); Rep. John J. Cochran (D-MO) | ch 301, 48 Stat 781 |
06/22/1932 05/18/1934 |
X |; |
This is a great example of when the PNT's practice of listing two dates for an act -- one for when it was first enacted and another for an amendment -- is confusing. Sen. Patterson and Cochran sponsored the original act passed in 1932, which is ch. 271, 47 Stat. 326. The USSL citation given in the PNT is to a 1934 amendment to that law, which was sponsored by different Members. | |||
Poultry Racket Act | Description | Poultry Racket Act | NO short title | ch. 532, 49 stat 648 |
08/15/1921 08/14/1935 |
X | nothing in statute | |||||
Barkley-Cole Trust Indenture Act of 1939 (see Trust Indenture Act of 1939) | Sponsor | Barkley-Cole Trust Indenture Act of 1939 (see Trust Indenture Act of 1939) | "Trust Indenture Act of 1939" | Sen. Alben William Barkley (D-KY); Rep. William Purington Cole Jr. (D-MD) | 15 USC 77aaa | ch 411, 53 Stat 1149 |
05/27/1933 08/03/1939 |
N |; |
"Barkley-Cole" not statutized | ||
Wagner-Cole Act (see Trust Indenture Act of 1939) | Sponsor | Wagner-Cole Act (see Trust Indenture Act of 1939) | "Trust Indenture Act of 1939" | Sen. Robert Ferdinand Wagner, (D-N.Y.); Rep. William Purington Cole Jr., (D-MD), . NOTE: TWO Coles; this is the only dem though: probably joined to pass? | 15 USC 77aaa | ch 411, 53 Stat 1149 |
05/27/1933 08/03/1939 |
N |; |
"Wagner-Cole" not statutized; short title included in the amending language in 1939, adding to Title III of the Act passed in 1933 | ||
"SPARS" Act | Abbreviation | "SPARS" Act | NO short title | An acronym for the Coast Guard's motto, Semper Paratus, Always Ready | ch. 8, title IV, as added ch 639, S 1, 56 Stat 1020 |
02/19/1941 11/23/1942 |
Y | |
nothing in statute | |||
Fess-Kenyon Act (see the Vocational Rehabilitation Act) | Sponsor | Fess-Kenyon Act (see the Vocational Rehabilitation Act) | "Vocational Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1943" | Sen. Simeon Davison Fess, (R-OH); Sen. William Squire Kenyon, (R-IA) | 29 USC 31 et seq | ch 190 ��_��__1, 57 Stat 374 |
06/02/1920 07/06/1943 |
N |; |
short title at end; "Fess-Kenyon" not statutized | ||
George-Deen Vocational Education Act (see Vocational Education Act of 1936) | Sponsor | George-Deen Vocational Education Act (see Vocational Education Act of 1936) | "Vocational Education Act of 1946"; QUESTION: Should these be act of 1946, when enactment is 1936/1920? | Sen. Walter Franklin George, (D-GA); Rep. Braswell Drue Deen, (D-GA), | 20 USC 11 | ch 725, 60 Stat 775 |
06/08/1936 08/01/1946 |
N |; |
George-Deen not statutized |