War Manifestos Database

Digitized page from a manifesto

This data set records all known war manifestos issued by sovereigns between 1492 and 1945. These manifestos were collected, analyzed, and coded by a research team at Yale Law School studying the various categories of claims used to justify resort to war throughout history.

We ask users of the data set to cite it as follows:

Oona A. Hathaway, William Holste, Scott J. Shapiro, Jacqueline Van De Velde, Lisa Wang, War Manifestos Database (2017), http://documents.law.yale.edu/manifestos. Users may also wish to reference the following article, which describes war manifestos in detail: Oona A. Hathaway, William Holste, Scott J. Shapiro, Jacqueline Van De Velde, Lisa Wang, War Manifestos, 85 U. Chi. L. Rev. 1139 (2018).

This data set contains the list of war manifestos collected and analyzed by the War Manifestos Project. The data set identifies the year the manifesto was issued; name of the manifesto; issuing sovereign; receiving sovereign; and related conflict or war. It also identifies whether the manifesto is a manifesto, counter-manifesto, or quasi-manifesto, as defined below.

The War Manifestos project includes a war manifesto issued between 1492 and 1945 if it meets the following criteria: a manifesto is a (1) public document (2) issued by a sovereign (3) against another sovereign (4) containing the reasons for going to war. A counter-manifesto is a manifesto that meets these criteria and is issued in direct response to an earlier manifesto. A quasi-manifesto is a manifesto that meets all but one of the criteria.

Coders noted whether each manifesto contained the following twelve categories of common just war claims: (1) enforcement of inheritance laws, succession rules and other hereditary rights; (2) self-defense or repelling aggression; (3) balance of power concerns; (4) declaration of independence; (5) tortious wrongs; (6) collection of debts; (7) protection of trade interests; (8) protection of diplomatic relations; (9) humanitarian considerations; (10) religious claims; (11) violation of a treaty obligation; and (12) other reasons. Coders also noted the manifesto’s primary justification and whether the manifesto made any reference to the law of war or the law of nations.

Data Set
The files associated with the war manifestos data set can be obtained via permalink by clicking on the title of the manifesto. Files are intended for educational and non-commercial use only. Every effort has been made to give copyright credit where available. Please contact us with any questions or concerns. We also invite users of the database to notify us if they locate any manifestos that are not already included in the database. We will update the data set whenever we receive new materials.

For those interested in working with the data, we provide the downloadable file as well.

Questions and Feedback

This data set is hosted by the Yale Law School Library. Questions about the data set may be emailed to Professor Oona Hathaway at oona.hathaway at yale.edu.

Format: 2025
Yearsort descending Title Classification (1. Manifesto; 2. Counter-Manifesto; or 3. Quasi-Manifesto) Author Target Related War/Event
1492 Against the False Letters of the French, in Defense of the Honor of the Most Serene King of the Romans, ever Augustus 3 Loyal subjects of Maximilian, King of the Romans, ever Augustus Charles, King of France
1507 Response of the Roman King to the Complaint of the French King (Defense of the Roman King Maximilian) 2 Acts of the Diet of Konstanz King Louis XII of France
1508 A speech of the legates of the Venetians to his Lordship Maximilian, Roman Emperor, delivered in Memmingen on the 30th of December 1508 1 Republic (Senate) of Venice Holy Roman Empire (as part of the League of Cambrai)
1508 Our Lord the Emperor Maximilian's Answer [to the Venetian Speech] 2 Holy Roman Empire Republic of Venice
1508 A Declaration of War by the Lords, Princes, Free Knights and Vassals of the Holy Roman Empire Delivered to the Lords of Venice Orally and in Writing. 1 Nobility of the Holy Roman Empire Venice
1510 The Speech of Lodovico Eliano-- Orator; of Lodovico XII King of France, given by him against the same Republic, in Augusta, in the Convent of the Princes of Germany, in the presence of the Emperor Maximilian I, in the year 1510. 1 Ludovico Eliano (French ambassador) Venetian government
1511 Maximilian of Habsburg's Appeal to the People of Venice 1 Maximilian, Emperor Elect of the Romans Venetian government
1513 Requirement 1 King Ferdinand and his daughter, Queen Juana of Castile and Leon Native American populations
1521 Imperial Edict Against the French King 1 Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor France (François I)
1523 Open Letter from the King of Hungary to the Imperial Representative and Regiment, Requesting Help Against Turkish Tyranny 1 The King of Hungary The Holy Roman Empire
1523 Open letter and apology (Frederick I's declaration of war) 1 Frederick I of Schleswig-Holstein Denmark
1523 Lübeck's Declaration of War 1 Hanseatic State of Lübeck Denmark
1523 The reasons for which the the very-reverend in God, Noble-Wellborn Solemn Honorable Severe and Laudable Bishops Prelates Lords Knighthood Estates and common Inhabitants of the Kingdom of Denmark have clarified their duty bearing and military fealty to Kin 3 Danish subjects, including clergy, nobility, knighthood and commoners Christian II of Denmark
1528 Declaration of the Electoral Prince of Saxony and Landgraf of Philip of Hesse 1 Bishop Conrad of Würzburg and Duke of Franconia Duke Johan of Saxony, prince-elector (of the Holy Roman Empire), and Philip, Landgrave of Hesse
1528 A Complaint by both the Kings of France and England (A Declaration of War by a French Emissary in the Name of Francis I) 1 A French emissary named "Guiena" (Guyenne). Holy Roman Empire
1528 A Complaint by both the Kings of France and England (A Short Statement by Emperor Charles V to the French Emissary) 2 Emperor Charles V France
1528 A Complaint by both the Kings of France and England (A Declaration of War by an English Emissary in the Name of Henry VIII) 1 An English emissary named "Clarenciao" (Clarence). Holy Roman Empire
1528 A Complaint by both the Kings of France and England (A Short Statement by Emperor Charles V to the English Emissary) 2 Emperor Charles V England
1528 A Complaint by both the Kings of France and England (A Detailed Statement of Emperor Charles V to the French Emissary) 2 Emperor Charles V France
1528 A Complaint by both the Kings of France and England (The Written Response of Charles V to Francis I) 2 Emperor Charles V France
1528 A Complaint by both the Kings of France and England (The Written Response of Charles V to Henry VIII) 2 Emperor Charles V England
1535 Truthful account, to all the estates of German nation, of how and in which way, the laudable cities of the Kingdom of Denmark, Copenhague and Elbagen, were pushed and forced into the present war. 1 The cities of Copenhague and Elbagen The Imperial Council (Rigsradet) of the Kingdom of Denmark
1536 Letter from Francis I of France to the empires on his contract with Sultan Sueleyman I 1 Francis I of France Charles, the emperor
1536 Response of the King of France, made to our Holy Father on the proposal made by the Emperor to His Holiness 2 Francis I of France Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
1536 Reply made by the Emperor to the aforesaid response of the King of France 2 Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor Francis I, King of France
1537 To the Reichsstaende directed writing to defend the position of Franz I of France 2 An ambassador on behalf of Francis I of France Holy Roman Emperor Charles V
1542 From the Serene and Highborn Count (A Letter of Defense by the Imperial-Spanish Governor of Milan) 2 Emperor Charles V France
1542 Cry of Open War between the King of France and the Emperor, the King of Spain 1 Francis I of France Charles V and I, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain
1542 Declaration of war by Emperor Charles V to Francis I of France 1 The Kaiser of the Holy Roman Empire The Kingdom of France
1542 A Declaration Conteyning the Just Causes and considerations, of this present warre with the Scotts, wherein also appeareth the theme a right title, that the king's most royall majesty hath to the soverayntte of Scotlande. 1 Henry VIII Scotland (James V)
1546 The Most Serene Johann Friedrich, Prince Elector in Saxony and the Serenely Noble Lord Phillip, Margrave of Hessen's True Report and Summary Explanation why They have been Unjustly Accused of Disloyalty to His Imperial Majesty and why They had No Intent 1 Johann Friedrich, Elector of Saxony Catholic Forces of Holy Roman Empire (under Emperor Charles V); Rival Saxon Princes
1551 True Declaration of the Causes and Occasions of the present war of Parma, Translated from German to French. 1 Austria (Court of Emperor Charles V) The King of France; the Duke of Parma; the Farnasius family (supported by France)
1552 Open Letter of the Kingdom of France to the Princes (Thur und Fuersten), and Cities of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation 1 France The Holy Roman Empire
1552 Letter of the Royal Majesty of France to the Electors and princes, estates, and cities of the Holy Roman Empire of German Nation, in which he shortly explains (the reasons of) his armament. 1 Henry II, King of France House of Habsburg
1553 Letters from the King written to the Princes and States of the Holy Roman Empire 3 Henry II of France Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
1553 Printed Notice... In which the reasons are reported why the Holy Roman Count to Meissen could not avoid war with the the Marggraff Albrecht 1 Henry IV of Plauen, Colonel Chancellor of the Kingdom of Bohemia, Burgrave of Meissen, Lord of Plauen, etc. Margrave Albrecht II Alcibiades of Brandenburg-Kulmbach
1562 Declaration of the fact of War from France, which the Ambassadors of the Prince of Condé had made, according to their charge, to his Majesty the Emperor, at the Imperial Court of Frankfurt, November 4, 1562. 1 Prince of Condé Holy Roman Empire
1562 Protest by the Queen of England by which she declares the just and necessary reasons that have prompted her to protect God's cause, and the defense of the King and his Kingdom against those causing the present troubles 1 Queen Elizabeth I The House of Guise, leading the Catholic faction in France
1563 Copy of Letters Patent Containing the Declaration of War against the English 1 Charles IX, King of France England
1563 Rejection (Feud) letter [written by] both the Kingdom of Denmark and the City of Lubeck, recently sent to the Kingdom of Sweden 1 Denmark-Norway Sweden
1563 Rejection (Feud) letter [written by] both the Kingdom of Denmark and the City of Lubeck, recently sent to the Kingdom of Sweden 1 Lübeck Sweden
1563 A truthful report, of how Elsburg and Öland in Sweden were stolen and occupied by the Danish army 2 Sweden Denmark-Norway, Lübeck
1568 Confession of the Illustrious and Highborn Prince and Lord William of Uranien... Against the Duke of Alba's Tyrannical, Unchristian and Outrageous Persecution of all Parts of the Netherlands 1 Netherlands Holy Roman Empire
1580 The apologie or defence of the most noble Prince William, by the grace of God, Prince of Orange ... against the proclamation and edict, published by the King of Spain… 2 William I, Prince of Orange Philip II of Spain
1580 A Proclamation and an Edict in Form of a Proscription, made by the Majesty of the King our Lord, against William of Nassau, Prince of Orange, as the chief Captain and disturber of the state of Christendom… 3 Philip II, King of Spain William of Nassau, Prince of Orange
1582 Summary Declaration of the just causes and reasons that have moved and move the Most High and Mighty Prince, Dom Antonio, King of Portugal, of the Algarves, etc., to make and to continue war, by sea as on land, against the King of Castile… 1 Dom Antonio, pretender to the throne of Portugal The King of Castile (Philip II) and his allies
1583 Annoucement of our John Casimir... in which the reasons are elaborated for which we, against peace, have joined Lord Gebhard against the Roman Pope's criminal tyranny (abbreviated, full titles excluded). 1 Representatives or subjects of John Casimir of the Palatinnate-Simmern Holy Roman Empire (speficially the Pope)
1583 Announcement and Thorough, True Report of our Gebhard I and why we were required to protect our land, our people and ourselves through the collection of many soldiers and making preparations for war 1 Representatives or subjects of Gebhard I. of Waldberg and Archbishop of Cologne Holy Roman Empire (speficially the Pope)
1585 A Declaration of the Causes Mooving the Queene of England to Give Aide to the Defense of the People Afflicted and Oppressed in the lowe countries 1 England Low Countries
1587 Warning made to the King by the King of Navarre and by my lord the Prince of Conde, concerning the latest declaration of war, 1587 2 The King of Navarre and the Prince of Conde N/A
1587 Declaration of the Causes that Have Constrained the Most Serene King of Navarre, First Prince of the Blood Royal of the French, and Heir to the Kingdom of the same, etc. to Enlist a Foreign Army 1 Henry III, King of Navarre (later Henry IV of France) The Pope; The Duke of Guise; the Catholic League
1587 Declaration of the King, by which he prohibits the levying of men of war without his approval and authority, and commands all his Catholic subjects to come to meet him in his army 1 Henry III, King of France Protestants and their foreign allies
1590 Declaration of the King of Spain about the troubles, miseries, and calamities that afflict Christianity, and notably the Kingdom of France 1 Spain (Philip II) France
1591 By the Queene: A Proclamation to forbid all manner of persons to resort to any Townes held by the French Kings rebels, or to traffique with any of them, upon paine to be punished as Traitors: with a declaration of the just causes of the said prohibition. 1 England (Elizabeth I) French rebels against Henry IV
1595 A declaration of the French kings proclaiming open warre against the king of Spaine and his adherents, and the causes moving him therto. 1 France (Henry IV) Spain
1595 Declaration of the King's will regarding the war against the King of Spain 1 France (Henry IV) King of Spain
1595 Declaration of War made by Philip II, King of Spain, against Henry IV, King of France, whom he names Prince of Bearn 2 Spain (Philip II) France (Henry IV)
1596 Declaration of the Causes That Have Moved the Queen of England to Declare War on the King of Spain 1 The Earl of Essex and the Grand Admiral of England, on behalf of Queen Elizabeth I Spain (Philip II)
1600 Declaration and Ordinance of the King, containing the causes of his opening war against the Duke of Savoy, assurance to his subjects who do not bear arms against His Majesty, and a command to true Frenchmen to draw back to their obedience 1 France (Henry IV) Savoy
1611 Missive or Authentic Open Letter (Letter of Karl the 9th of Sweden to Christian the 4th of Denmark 1 Karl IX of Sweden Denmark
1611 Missive or Authentic Open Letter (Letter of Christian the 4th to Karl the 9th of Sweden) 2 Christian IV of Denmark Sweden
1611 His Royal Majesty of Denmark and Norway's Letter to His Royal Majesty of Sweden 1 Christian IV of Denmark Sweden
1613 Response of the Duke of Mantua 2 Ferdinand, Duke of Mantua and of Montserrat Charles Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy
1613 Manifesto of the Duke of Savoy on the reasons that have moved him to take up Arms for the recovery of the March of Monserrat, together with the claims he has on the same March 1 Charles Emmanuel, Duke of Savoy Cardinal-Duke of Mantua
1616 The reasons of the Venetian Republic against the Uskoks 1 Not given, but printed by Antonio Boron The Uskoks (Pirate vassals of Archduke Ferdinand of Inner Austria)
1617 Response in Defense of the most Serene Archduke Ferdinand against the Manifesto published by the Republic of Venice, for the occasion of the present War: With the Speech of Lodovico Eliano-- Orator 2 The Austrian Empire The Republic of Venice
1618 Apology, or Manifesto of all three estates of the Kingdom of Bohemia, accepting the blood and body of our Lord Jesus Christ in both forms, on the Reasons for their Preparations for Defense 1 Prague knights and Protestant estates opposing Emperor Matthias' Catholic pick for heir Ferdinand II, nominal ruler of Bohemia
1620 The Roman Emperor's Majesty Ferdinand II's edictal cassation and annulment with attached protestation against the arrogated new and void election and coronation in Bohemia 1 Ferdinand II, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire The insurgent estates of Bohemia
1625 Christian IV of Denmark's Reply to The Emperor Ferdinand 1 Christian IV of Denmark Rebel German Princes
1626 Printed Letter from Christian IV of Norway to the Prince-Elector of Mainz and Other Prince-Electors Connected to the Catholic Religion in the Holy Roman Empire 1 Christian IV of Norway Holy Roman Empire
1627 Declaration of the King, pertaining to the Prohibition of all his subjects, & other residents in this Kingdom, to make no commerce or traffic in England. 3 France (Louis XIII) England
1628 A Declaration of His Royal Highness of Denmark and Norway, through which it is Given to Every man to Know, Why the Noble Peace in the Holy Roman Empire and the Neighboring Provinces and Lands has not been Brought Back and Re-Established 1 Christian IV of Norway and Denmark Holy Roman Empire
1628 Response to the Manifesto of the Most Serene Duke of Savoy 3 Unclear Duke of Savoy
1630 The Swedish War Manifesto 1 Gustav Adolf of Sweden (author was scholar Johan Adler Salvius) Holy Roman Empire
1630 Copy of the Emperor's letter to the King in Sweden that he should restitute the captured territories in Pommerania and not meddle with the affairs of the Empire 1 Ferdinand II, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire King of Sweden
1630 Translation from Latin to German of the response letter of the Royal Majesty in Sweden to the Roman Imperial Majesty… 2 Gustav, King of Sweden Ferdinand II, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire
1630 The Patent of Emperor Ferdinand II to the Imperial Estates concerning the Swedish Attack 1 Imperial Diet Sweden
1635 Manifesto for the legality of the arms used by the most august house of Austria: together with the response to this published under the name of King of France 1 Habsburgs France
1635 Manifesto on the declaration of war against Spain 1 King of France Spain
1635 Memorial sent to the Very Christian King [of France] by one of his most loyal subjects concerning the declaration of war against Spain of June 6, 1635 3 French subject Response to France's declaration of war against Spain
1635 His Royal Majesty in France's declaration concerning the war that he has announced to the King in Spain 1 Louis XIII, King of France Philipp IV, King of Spain
1635 Declaration of his Highness concerning the War against the Crown of France 1 Ferdinand of Netherlands France
1635 A Manifesto or Declaration (of the French King) for a Warre with Spaine 1 France Spain
1635 A Manifesto of the Cardinall Infante, for a Warre with France, both by Sea and Land 2 Cardinall Infante, Spain France
1636 Manifesto of Ferdinand of Spain 1 Ferdinand, Cardinal-Infante of Spain, Lieutenant-Governor and Captain General of the Netherlands and Burgundy France
1636 Manifesto against the King of France 1 Ferdinand, King of Hungary and Bohemia, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgundy France
1636 Declaration of the King on the manifesto of the Emperor of Germany and of the King of Spain of the House of Austria. 2 Louis XIII, King of France and Navarre Spain, Holy Roman Empire
1641 Manifesto of the Kingdom of Portugal 1 Kingdom of Portugal King Philip IV of Spain
1642 Response to the Manifesto of the Kingdom of Portugal 3 Don Ivan Caramuel Lobkowitz, Religious of Dunas, Doctor of Sacred Theology, etc. Duke of Braganza, pretender to the crown of Portugal, and his adherents
1642 Manifesto made by Tarragona in order to persuade the Principality to quietude 3 The City of Tarragona Principality of Catalonia
1644 Refutation and Well-Justified Answer to the Danish Manifesto, in which it is clearly shown and demonstrated that the Danish King's claim that Sweden imposed the War upon him is Contrary to all Fact and Truth 2 Christina, Queen of Sweden Denmark
1644 A Declaration or Manifesto, Wherein the Roman Imperiall Majesty makes known to the States & Peers of Hungarie, what reasons and motives have compelled him to proceed in open Warre against the Prince of Transylvania 1 Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor Transylvania
1644 The Letter of Christina of Sweden to the Imperial Estates concerning Relations with Denmark 1 Queen Christina of Sweden Denmark
1644 Two Manifestos, or Declarations, the one by the King of Denmark, the other by the Queene of Sweden, both concerning the present Warres. 2 Queen Christina of Sweden Denmark
1644 Explanation of Christian IV of Denmark to his reprimanding of a Swedish herald. 1 Christian IV of Denmark Sweden
1644 Two Manifestos, or Declarations, the one by the King of Denmark, the other by the Queene of Sweden, both concerning the present Warres. 1 Christian IV of Denmark Sweden
1648 The Declaration of Sir Marmaduke Langdale, Knight, General of the Northern Parts of England as also of the Colonels, Gentlemen and other Loyall Subjects at present in actuall Service for HIS MAJESTIE of Great Brittayne, etc. 1 Sir Marmaduke Langdale, on behalf of the Royalists The Parliamentarians
1648 Response to the Manifesto of the Most Christian King of France 3 Carlo Cala, an Italian jurist France
1652 English declaration of war against the General States 1 England Netherlands
1652 Reasons or motives with which the English maintain that they can justly go to war with the Dutch 1 Guillaume Scheybels (Dutchman) Dutch
1652 Manifesto or Declaration of the High and Powerful Lords of the States General of the Netherlands 1 Netherlands Commonwealth of England
1652 Dutch Response to the reasons or motives with which the English maintain that they can justly go to war with the Dutch 2 Guillaume Scheybels (Dutchman) English
1652 Answer to the Manifesto of a conceited Parliament of an unrecognized Government in England, touching the course and evil employments having developed between them and the States General of the United Netherlands 2 Netherlands England
1652 Dutch Manifesto against England 1 Netherlands England
1655 A Declaration of his Highness by the Advice of his Council, shewing the Reasons of their Proceedings for Securing the Peace of the Commonwealth, upon occasion of the late insurrection and rebellion. 3 England Royalists
1655 Brief and preliminary declaration of the causes by which the Most Serene and Mighty Prince and Lord, Lord Charles Gustav, King of the Swedes, etc. … 1 Charles X Gustav, King of the Swedes, Goths and Wends The King of Poland
1655 Letter from the King of Sweden to the Emperor on the causes of his armament against Poland 1 King of Sweden Poland
1655 Manifesto by the Polish King as a response to the Manifesto published by the King of Sweden concerning the war they've made on Poland 2 Poland Sweden
1655 Manifesto of the important reasons that it became necessary for the Protestant City of the Confederation to go to battle against the Swiss and their supporters 1 Local leaders of all Protestant cities Catholic cities
1657 Fetial Law of Armed Denmark, with a Short Demonstration of the most Weighty Causes Whereupon His Sacred Royall Majesty of Denmark, Norwey, the Vandals and Goths, Urg'd by meer necessity, doth by His Herald, according to the Law of Nations, denounce Warre 1 Frederic III of Denmark-Norway Sweden
1657 Epistle of His Royal Majesty in Sweden to the Elector of Mainz, as well as to the Other Princes and Lords of the Holy Roman Empire, In which the Plentiful Reasons for War between the Kings of Sweden and Denmark, along with their Causes are Explained 2 Charles X Gustav of Sweden Denmark
1657 Report of his Royal Majesty in Bohemia and Hungary, Archduke of Austria, of why named majesty has sent his troops in aid of the Polish Crown 1 Leopold I of Habsburg Carl X Gustav of Sweden
1657 Universal (declaration) issued by the Prince of Transylvania, Lord George Rákóczi, to all the estates of Poland. 1 George II Rákóczi of Transylvania John II Casimir of Poland
1657 Manifesto of the grave causes which have forced the Royal Majesty of Denmark and Norway, the Wends and the Goths etc., to take up and effectively continue to bear defensive arms… 1 Frederic III of Denmark-Norway Sweden
1657 Manifesto of the Polish Army against the King of Sweden 3 The Polish Army (Kreigheer) Sweden
1657 The First Declaration of War by Friederich III of Denmark against Charles X Gustav of Sweden 1 Frederic III of Denmark-Norway Sweden
1658 A Patent in the Name of His Royal Majesty in Denmark and Norway, Publicized on September 7, 1658; In Which the Entire World is Made Aware of the Breach of the Peace by the Swedes 1 Frederic III of Denmark-Norway Sweden
1658 Truthful account and copy of the breach of treaty and peace, commited irresponsibly and without due cause on part of the Swedish, against the Kingdom of Denmark and its territories… 1 Frederic III of Denmark-Norway Charles X Gustav of Sweden
1658 [A Patent] of His Royal Highness in Brandenburg, Indicating the Causes that have Moved the Roman Imperial Majesty and His Electoral Highnesses to March into Hostein with Their Armies 1 Frederick William I, Elector or Brandenburg Holstein
1659 Manifesto of Leopold the First for the Substantiation of his March into Pomerania 1 Leopold I of the Holy Roman Empire Sweden
1663 Commissarial Decree of Emperor Leopold I of War against the Ottoman Empire 3 Bishop Guidobaldi the Ottoman Empire
1664 Emperor Leopold I's Patent of War against the Ottoman Empire 1 Emperor Leopold I Ottoman Empire
1666 A True Deduction Of all Transactions between His Majesty of Great BRITAIN, AND The King of DENMARK; WITH A DECLARATION OF WAR Against the Said KING, and the MOTIVES that obliged His MAJESTY thereunto. 2 Great Britain Denmark
1666 Declaration of war by England 2 England France
1666 The French King's Declaration of a War against England. 1 France England
1671 Counter-Manifesto and Record, Grounded in Fact and Law, that Herr Rudolff Augustus was Authorized in His Actions Towards his Hereditary City 3 Rudolff Augustus Christoph Bernhard
1671 A Denial, Grounded in Fact and Law, of the Counter-Manifesto of Braunschweig-Wolffenbüttel 3 Christoph Bemhard of Munster Rudolff Augustus
1672 English Declaration 1 Great Britain Low Countries
1672 The Most Christian Kings Declaration of Warr Against the States-Generall of the United Provinces. 1 France Netherlands
1672 Patent of Royal-Cologne, publicized on the occasion of the War developing on the Side of the French and English Crowns against the States General of the United Netherlands 1 Maximilian Henry of Bavaria, Archbishop Elector of Cologne The States General of the Netherlands
1672 A Letter of the States General of the Netherlands to the Perpetual Diet of Regensburg concerning Current Armaments 1 Caspar Schack of the States General of the Netherlands France, Prince Elector of Cologne
1673 His Majesty's Answer to the Letter sent from the States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countries, by their Trumpeter. 1 King of England The States General of the Netherlands, England, Wales
1673 A Letter Sent by the States-General of the United Provinces to the King of Great Britain. 2 The States General of the Netherlands The States General of the Netherlands, England, Wales
1673 Ordinance of the King defending to his subjects of having traded with the Spanish and the order of their fox-hunting 1 King Louis XIV of France Spain / Spanish Netherlands
1673 Reasons and Motives that moved and caused His Roman Imperial Majesty to legitimately take up arms and to send his troops into the Holy Roman Empire 1 Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor France; Dioceses of Cologne and Munster
1673 Speech of the Swedish Envoy to the Royal Court at Vienna 1 Swedish Minister in the Service of Charles XI of Sweden Brandenburg-Prussia
1674 The Answer of the States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countreys to the Declaration of War of the King of Great Britain 2 The States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countries Great Britain
1675 Imperial Report against Charles XI of Sweden 1 Emperor Leopold I Sweden
1675 The Mandate of Emperor Leopold I to Charles XI of Sweden 1 Emperor Leopold I Sweden
1675 A Vocatorial Mandate of Emperor Leopold I against Charles XI of Sweden 1 Emperor Leopold I Sweden
1675 Your Royal Majesty in Spain's Declaration of War against the Crown of Sweden 1 King Charles II of Spain Sweden
1675 Manifesto or the Dutch People's Declaration of War against the King in Sweden 1 Dutch Republic Sweden, France
1675 From the Royal Majesty in Sweden to the General Assembly, the Justification of the Arms Taken Against Brandenburg 1 Charles XI of Sweden Brandenburg-Prussia
1675 Manifesto and War Declaration of the States General of the Netherlands against His Holy Majesty of Sweden 1 The States General of the Netherlands Kingdom of Sweden
1676 Declaration of War by Louis XIV against the King of Denmark 1 French King Louis XIV Denmark
1682 The declaration of the Hungarian war lately set out by the most illustrious Michael Apafi, Prince of Transilvania, against the Emperour's S. Majesty 1 Prince Michael Apafi of Transylvania Hungary
1684 Declaration of war by King of France Louis XIV against the Genoan ("Genois") on 15 May 1684 1 Louis XIV, King of France Genoan (Italy)
1688 The memorial of the reasons by which the King is obliged to resume his Arms, and which ought to persuade all Christendom of the sincere Intentions of his Majesty for the Establishment of the Public Tranquillity 1 King of France Holy Roman Empire
1688 The Emperor's Answer to the French King's Manifesto 2 HRE (Leopold I) France
1688 The Comissarial Decree of Emperor Leopold I concerning French Activity in the Holy Roman Empire 1 Emperor Leopold I France
1688 Prince of Orange's Declaration 1 Prince William Henry of Orange (William III of England) (Protestant) James of York (Catholic)
1688 Declaration of War of Louis XIV, King of France, against the Dutch, on November 16, 1688 1 Louis XIV, King of France The Netherlands
1688 Declaration of war by Louis XIV, King of France, against the Dutch on 16 November 1688 1 Louis XIV, King of France Dutch
1689 Declaration of War Against France 2 Spain Louis XIV of France and Navarre
1689 Ordonnance of the King, Pursuant to the Declaration of War against the Usurper of the Kingdoms of England and Scotland and Against his Makers and Adherents 2 Louis XIV of France and Navarre William III (Prince of Orange, King of England/Ireland/Scotland)
1689 Spain's Counter-declaration on the Declaration of War made by France agaisnt them 2 Spain France
1689 Declaration of War of Her Brittanic Majesty against the King of the French 1 William III France
1689 Declaration of war and plea of the States General of the United Netherlands pertaining to a prohibition enjoined on all residents of those lands with respect to shipping and commerce of neutral nations with France 1 Netherlands France
1689 Remarks on the Declaration of War that the Prince of Orange, under the name of the States General, makes on France, or rather on all the Powers of Europe, by a general prohibition of Commerce 2 N/A William III, Prince of Orange (and King of England); the States General
1689 A Declaration of War Against France, and a Placart of the States General of the United Provinces, concerning the Commerce of the Inhabitants of the Said Provines 1 Low Countries France
1689 Royal mandate, in which the King of France, the Cardinal of Fürstenberg and his Adherents, Present and Future, are declared as Enemies of the Realm 1 Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor France, Fürstenberg
1689 Imperial Report against Louis XIV of France. 1 Emperor Leopold I, written by the Prince-Elector Mainz France
1689 Commisorial Decree of Leopold I in Concordance with the Imperial Report against Louis XIV 1 Hermann, Margrave of Baaden and Hochberg France
1689 A letter from the Emperor Leopold I to Johann Ill Sobieski of Poland on the war against Louis XIV of France 1 Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor France
1689 Declaration of War by Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor, against Louis XIV, King of France 1 Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor France
1689 Edict of the Luminary Elector to Brandenburg Concerning the Current War against France 1 Friedrich III, Duke of Brandenburg-Prussia France
1689 Declaration of War and Placard of their Powerful Highnesses of the United Provinces, Containing a Defense for all the Inhabitants of these Countries, & Concerning Navigation & Commerce of Powerful Neutrals at the Ports of France… 1 United Provinces of the Dutch Republic (i.e., Netherlands) France
1689 Ordinance of the King of France, Conveying a Declaration of War by Sea and by Land against the Spanish; which Revokes Passports, Safeguards, & Safe-Conducts; Prohibits any Commerce, and Orders His Subjects to Attack the Spanish. 1 Louis XIV, King of France Spain
1693 The King in Denmark & Sweden's Manifesto, which goes by the name 'Reasons why His Royal Majesty in Denmark and Sweden can no longer tolerate the presence of foreign, warlike Peoples in Lower Saxony…' 1 King Christian V of Denmark-Sweden Schleswig-Holstein, Allied Princes
1700 Manifesto of the Tsar against Sweden 1 Peter I of Russia Sweden
1700 Manifesto: When one makes seen the justice of the arms of the King of Poland… 1 Augustus II of Poland Sweden
1700 Declaration of War published in Moscow 1 Peter I of Russia Sweden
1702 Her Majesty's Declaration of War Against France and Spain 1 England France, Spain
1702 A Manifesto: Containing the Reasons which have Induced the Lords States General of the United Netherlands, to Declare War against the Kings of France and Spain, May 8. 1702. 1 Netherlands France, Spain
1702 His Roman Emperor's Majesty's Declaration of War against the King of France and the Duke of Anjou 1 Leopold I (Holy Roman Emperor) King of France
1702 Ordinance of the King, Conveying a Declaration of War against the Emperor, England, the States General of the United Provinces, and their Allies 1 Louis XIV, King of France and Navarre The (Holy Roman) Emperor (Leopold I); England (Queen Anne); The States General of the United Provinces (The Netherlands); and their Allies
1703 Ordinance of the King, Conveying a Declaration of War against the Duke of Savoy 1 Louis XIV, King of France and Navarre The Duke of Savoy (Victor Amadeus II)
1703 A Supplement to the Monthly Register for December, 1703 Containing a large Manifesto Shewing the Right of Charles III to the Spanish Monarchy, and the Just Motives of his Expedition to Spain. 1 Spain (Charles III) France
1704 Manifesto of Philippe V, containing a Declaration of War against the King of Portugal, the Archduke Charles, and their Allies 1 Philippe V (Spain) Portugal, Archduke Charles (Austria), and their Allies
1704 Manifesto of the King of Portugal on the justification of the use of his arms in his resolution to aid the Nation of Spain to mix the yoke of the French Domination and put the Catholic King charles III on the Royal Throne of the Monarchy 1 King of Portugal France
1704 The Manifesto of the Elector of Bavaria, Giving an Account of his Reasons for Engaging in the Present War, and Entering into an Alliance with France 2 Maximilian I Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria HRE
1704 Letter of the King to the Pope containing the motives for the War with Savoy 1 Louis XIV, King of France and Navarre The Duke of Savoy (Victor Amadeus II)
1704 The Almirante of Castile's Manifesto 3 Almirante of Castile Spain
1705 Manifesto of the Discontented of Hungary 1 Rákóczi's supporters Hapsburg Austria
1706 Response to the Manifesto published in Valencia in the name of the Most Serene Archduke in December 1706. 3 N/A N/A
1709 Manifesto of His Royal Majesty King Augustus II in Poland, Grand Duke in Lithuania, Regarding his Marshalled March Into the Kingdom of Poland 1 King Augustus II (the Strong) Sweden, Poland
1710 Turkish manifesto against His Majesty the Csar as delivered in Vienna and reported in the newspapers 1 Ottoman Empire Russian Empire
1711 Manifesto of His Royal Majesty in Poland and Prince Elector in Saxony in view of His March Against Swedish Pomerania 1 Augustus II (The Strong) of Poland Sweden
1711 Manifesto of Frederic IV, King of Denmark 1 Danish King Sweden
1711 The Justice of the Arms that His Sacred and Czarist Majesty, Peter I, Emperor of Great Russia, has taken up in his defense against the perfidious Ahmed, Sultan of the Turks, Violator of the Peace… 2 Emperor Peter the Great of Russia Sultan Ahmed III of the Ottoman Empire
1712 No Title (Manifesto by Frederik IV) 1 Frederik IV, King of denmark Sweden
1712 No Title (Manifesto from Toggenburg) 1 Toggenburg Canton Abbey of St. Gal (inner cantons)
1712 No Title (Manifesto from Zurich and Bern) 1 Zurich and Bern Cantons Abbey of St. Gal (inner cantons)
1715 Motives which have caused HIs Majesty the King of Prussia to sequester Swedish Pomerania and that oblige him to maintain the conditions 1 Prussia Sweden
1718 King George 1 Great Britain Spain
1718 Response to the manifesto issued by the Duke of Orleans, to justify his conduct, concerning the project he proposed to the King of Spain, as well as his declaration of war [against the King of Spain] 2 King of Spain (Philip V) Philippe II, Duke of Orleans (Regent of France)
1719 Ordinance of the King, Conveying a Declaration of War against Spain 1 Louis XV, King of France and Navarre ('on the advice of Monsieur The Duke of Orleans, the Regent') The King of Spain (Philip V)
1719 Manifesto on the subjects of rupture between France and Spain 1 France Spain
1733 Declaration of the Kaiser, in which His Majesty the King of France is Answered 2 Holy Roman Empire France
1733 Manifesto on the part of His Majesty The King of Sardinia, to declare war against the Emperor 1 Sardinia Holy Roman Empire
1733 Decree of the Imperial Commission in which is exposed the injusts of the motives that France alleges in the Rupture of the Peace with His Imperial Majesty 2 Holy Roman Empire France, Sardinia
1733 Manifesto of the Court of Spain, under the title of a Memorial to the Ambassador of the Catholic King at the Court of Great Britain, containing the reasons that have obliged His Catholic Majesty to declare war against the Emperor 1 Spain Holy Roman Empire
1733 Ordonnance du Roy, Pourtant declaration de Guerre contre l'Empereur (Ordinance of the King on the declaration of war against the Emperor) 1 France Augustus III/Austrian Hapsburgs
1733 Manifesto of the King of France regarding the Invasion in Germany 1 Louis XV of France Austria
1733 Declaration which was given in the name of the King of France 1 France Holy Roman Empire
1734 Manifesto of August III, elector of Saxony, elected King of Poland 1 Saxony Poland
1734 The King's arms justified against the apology of the Vienna Court 2 France Austria
1734 Manifesto of King Stanislaw 1 Stanislaw I (King of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania, Russia and Prussia) N/A
1739 His Catholick Majesty's Manifesto, Justifying his Conduct in relation to the late Convention with his Reasons for not Paying the Ninety-Five Thousand Pounds. 3 Spain England
1739 An Examination of a Pamphlet, Entitled His Catholic Majesty's Manifesto, &c. with Reasons for not Paying the 95000l. 2 Great Britain Spain
1739 George II's Declaration of war against Phillip V of Spain 1 George II of England Phillip V of Spain
1740 A Patent of Her Majesty, the Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, Publicized Through Silesia, on account of the Incursion of the Royal Prussian Troops into the Duchy of Silesia Maria Theresia, Holy Roman Empress; In the hand of Hans Anton, Earl of Schafgotsch Prussia
1740 A brief on the reasons that made the King send his troops to Silesia 1 Frederick II of Prussia Austria
1740 Circulaire of Frederick II to the German Imperial States and the States General of the Netherlands 1 Frederick II of Prussia Silesia
1740 An Account of the Property, Rooted in Law, of the Royal House of Prussia and Brandenburg, In the Dutchies and Principalities of Jägerndorff, Legnica, Brzeg, and Wolów and Associated realms in Silesia. 1 Frederick II of Prussia Silesia
1740 Manifesto of the reasons that have obliged the King of Prussia to provide auxiliary troops to the Emperor 1 King of Prussia (Frederick II) Archduchess of Austria Maria Theresa
1740 Exposition of Reasons that have caused His Majesty the King of Prussia to take just reprisals against the bishop prince of Liege 1 Prussia (Frederick the Great) Prince Bishop of Liege (Belgium)
1740 Faithful and succinct exposition of irregular proceedings, and attacks of the Prince Bishop of Liege, against the incontroverted right of His Majesty the King of Prussia, by the free and frank Baron of Herstal, 1740. 1 Prussia (Frederick the Great) Prince Bishop of Liege (Belgium)
1740 Copy of the Imperial Dehortoratory Rescript to the King of Prussia, as Price Elector of Brandenburg 3 Charles VI (Holy Roman Emperor) Prussia
1740 Decree of the Imperial, All-Merciful Commission, to a Very Praiseworthy Collective Assembly of the Realm at Regensburg, Touching the Differences in Herstal 3 Charles VI (Holy Roman Emperor), through Joseph, Prince of Fürstenberg Prussia
1740 Frederick II's declaration of his rights to Silesia 1 Frederick the Great Silesia
1740 A Patent regarding the Invasion into the Dutchy of Silesia of the Troops of his Royal Majesty in Prussia 1 Frederick the Great of Prussia; authored by his minister, Otto Christoph von Podewils Austria
1741 A Publication of His Royal Majesty in Sweden, Relating to the War Against the Czars in Russia, Given in the Council of Stockholm on the 24th of July, 1741 1 Frederick I of Sweden Russia, Czar Ivan VI
1741 Mainfesto of Frederick of Sweden against Czar Ivan VI 1 Frederick I of Sweden Russia, Czar Ivan VI
1741 Generic title (in the printed version): Russian Manifesto against Sweden. Actual title (within the document): Manifesto issued by Ivan the Third, by the grace of God Emperor and Autocrat of all Russians 1 Ivan III, Tsar of Russia Sweden
1741 Short notice of the causes that have moved his Electoral Highness of Bavaria to take possession of the Upper-Austrian hereditary lands. 1 Charles Albert of Bavaria Austria-Hungary (Habsburg Monarchy)
1741 Causes that have prompted His Royal Majesty in Poland and Elector of Saxony to move with armed force into the Kingdom of Bohemia and the other lands belonging to the succession of His former Majesty, Emperor Charles VI. 1 Augustus III, King of Poland and Elector of Saxony Austria-Hungary (Habsburg Monarchy)
1741 Letter of Her Royal Majesty of Hungary and Bohemia to Her Envoy, Presently at Regensburg Concerning the Differences in Silesia 1 Maria Theresia, Holy Roman Empress Prussia
1741 A closer treatment of the possession of the Silesian duchies of Jägerndorff, Liegnitz, Brieg, Wohlau, etc., by the royal house of Prussia and Brandenburg, which is justified by natural and imperial law. 1 Frederick II of Prussia Silesia
1741 Rescript, which his Majesty Frederick the Second of Prussia permitted to be sent to von Pollmann and the Court of Justice at Regensburg 1 Frederick II of Prussia Silesia
1741 Answer to the so-called legal and just counterinformation touching on Frederick II's rightful possessions, the Silesian duchies of Jaegerndorf, Liegnitz, Brieg, etc 2 Frederick II of Prussia Silesia
1744 Natural Reflexions on the Present Conduct of his Prussian Majesty: The Concern which England has, and Part she ought to take in the present Broils of the Empire; the Balance of Power, and Politics of English-H----ns 1 Britain (George II) Prussia
1744 Detailed reply to the French declaration of war and to the declaration recently handed over by Malbran de Noue in Francfort 2 Maria Theresa, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, Archduchess of Austria France
1744 The Queen of Hungary's Reply to the Manifesto which Count Dohna, A Minister from the King of Prussia, read at the Court of Vienna 2 Hungary Prussia
1744 Manifesto of the King regarding the declaration of war against the King of England 1 Louis XV, King of France George II, King of England
1744 The French King's Manifesto 1 Louis XV Great Britain
1744 Serious considerations on the present state of affairs, both at home and abroad, and the fatal consequences reasonably to be expected from thence 3 Unknown Briton Prussia, Denmark
1744 Declaration or Manifesto of His Majesty the King of the Two Sicilies 1 King of the Two Sicilies The Court of Vienna and Its Allies
1744 Declaration of War of the Most August and Most Christian Monarch, Louis XV, King of France and Navarre, against the Most High and Mighty Princess Maria Teresa, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, etc. 1 King Louis XV of France and Navarre Queen Maria Theresa of Hungary and Bohemia
1756 The Manifesto of the Court of France or, a Parallel of the King's Conduct with that of the King of Great Britain, Elector of Hanover. Relative to the Affairs of the Empire and particularly to the Breach of the Capitulation of Closter-Seven. 1 England France
1756 Declaration of those causes which have moved His Royal Majesty of Prussia to invade with his troops the hereditary territories of His Royal Majesty of Poland and Electoral Prince of Saxony. 1 Frederic the Second of Prussia Habsburgian Monarchy and its allies
1756 New and public Manifesto, or Declaration of War, that by order of the Court of France was published against Great Britain the Sixteenth of June 1 Louis (XV), Most Christian King of France Great Britain
1756 A Declaration of the Motives which Have Stirred his Royal Majesty in Prussia to March with his Army into the Heriditary Land of His Royal Majesty of Poland and the Electoral Prince of Saxony 1 Frederick the Great Saxony and Poland
1756 Manifesto and Declaration of War of Frederick II against Maria Theresa of Austria 1 Frederick the Great Austria-Hungary
1756 Translation of the response to the writing titled: Exposé of motives that encouraged His Majesty, the Prussian King, to prevent the plans of the Court of Vienna; Containing the Declaration of War against Her Majesty the Empress Queen 2 Austria-Hungary Ferderick the Great, King of Prussia
1756 Short Note on the so-called Response of the Court of Vienna to the Royal Prussian Manifesto 2 Frederick II, King of Prussia Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria/The Habsburg Monarchy
1756 Manifesto of the King regarding the Declaration of War against England 1 Louis XV, King of France George II, King of England
1756 His Majesty's Declaration of War Against the King 1 England France
1756 Most gracious imperial court decree issued to the highly honoured general imperial convention in Ratisbonne, on the 14th of September 1756. 2 Francis I Stephan, Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II, King of Prussia
1756 Pro Memoria or His Majesty the King in Prussia's thorough Answer to the Commission-Decree made by the Aulic Court 2 Frederick II, King in Prussia ("Frederick the Great") Saxony (Austria by proxy)
1756 A Decree of the Royal Court to an honorable general assembly of the Realm, touching the Brandenburgisch Invasion against the Saxon lands, and other attacks against the Lands of the realm 1 Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor Prussia
1756 Remarks on the Royal Prussian War-Manifestos, Circulars and Memoirs from the beginning of the Present War up until Now 2 Austria Prussia
1757 Declaration in the name of Adolf Friedrich of Sweden ion the occasion of his invasion 1 Adolf Frederick, King of Sweden Prussia
1757 Manifesto of Count Stephan Apraksin in the name of the Tsarina Elizabeth II against Frederick II of Prussia 1 Tsarina Elizabeth, "made known by" Count Apraksin Prussia
1757 Declaration of the Senior Royal Majesty of Prussia about the Aggressions of the Russian King Against His Lands 1 King of Prussia Russia
1757 Answer from the Side of His Royal Majesty from All of Russia to the Declaration Made by the King of Prussia 2 King of Russia Prussia
1757 The Political, Legal and Evident Manifesto put forth by His Prussian Majesty Against the New Arguments with which the Court of Hungary attempts to Inculpate the Most Just and Needful Deportment of the Court of Berlin 2 Frederick the Great, King of Prussia Hungary
1757 Counter-Manifesto of the Royal Prussian and the Prince Elector of Brandenburg Against the French and Swedish Crowns 1 The Kingdom of Prussia and the Electors of Brandenburg France, Sweden
1757 Response to the so-called Remarks on the Royal Prussian War-Manifestos, Circulars and Memoirs from the beginning of the Present War up until Now 2 Prussia Austria
1757 Declaration of the Most Christian Majesty 3 German King or Representative N/A
1757 Counter-Declaration of Royal Prussia and Chur-Brandenburg to [the Declaration] Recently Brought to the Reichstag by the Crown of France 2 Ehrich Christoph Freyherr von Plotho France, Austria
1757 Declaration of the King of Sweden, made in Council by his Minister, Lord Greiffenheim 3 Adolf Frederick, King of Sweden N/A
1757 Declaration of the King to serve as a Response to that which the Court of Sweden made against the Empire 1 King of Prussia Government of Sweden
1757 Declaration of the Very-Christian King of the Entry of his Troops in Germany 1 Louis XV, King of France Germany (Prussia), King George II of England
1760 Announcement: From the Royal Majesty of Prussia to His Foreign Ministers Concerning The Violence Perpetrated by the Austrian Crown and Its Allies Without Justification 1 The Royal Majesty of Prussia Austria and its allies
1762 Declaration of the King regarding the declaration of war against King of Portugal 1 Louis XV, King of France Portugal
1762 Declaration of war against Portugal 1 Spain Portugal
1762 Reasons for Spanish troops to enter into Portugal as friends, and not be seen as enemies: Manifesto Reduced to Letters Exchanged Between the Parties, 1762 1 Spanish Ambassador to Portugal, the French Minister Plenipotentiary The King of Portugal (though his secretary of state)
1764 Specification of the Equivalent taken by the Empress Queen of Hungary and Bohemia 3 Maria Theresa Poland
1764 Manifesto delivered at the Court of Warsaw, by the Ministers from the Courts of Petersburgh, &c. &c. 3 Baron de Stackleberg, minister from court of Petersburgh (Russia); Sieur de Benoit, minister from the court of Berlin (Germany); Baron Rzewicki, minister from the court of Vienna (Austria) Poland
1764 Specification of the equivalent taken by the empress of Russia 3 Zacharias, count de Czernicheff (messenger of Empress of Russia) Poland
1764 Counter-Declaration of the Court of Warsaw 2 Poland Russia, Germany, Austria
1772 In the name Zarin Katharinas II handed over declaration to the establishment of the first Polish division 3 Baron Stackelberg on behalf of Catherine of Russia Poland
1772 Explanation of Frederick II of Prussia on the first Polish division 3 Frederick II, Prussia Poland
1772 Maria Theresa's presentation of Austria to the territories occupied in the Kingdom of Poland 3 Maria Theresa Poland
1772 Edict of Frederick II of Prussia on the occasion of the seizure of Polish territories 3 Frederick II, Prussia Poland
1775 The letters of the two commanders in chief Generals Gage and Washington, and Major Generals Burgoyne and Lee; with the Manifesto of George Washington to the Inhabitants of Canada 3 US Great Britain
1776 The Declaration of Independence 3 United States of America England
1778 MANIFESTO of her Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty the Empress of Germany and Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, &c. &c. and DECLARATION to all the respective Princes and States of the Roman Empire… 1 Germany, Hungary, Bohemia (Empress Maria Theresa) Prussia (Frederick the Great)
1778 A MANIFESTO and PROCLAMATION, to the Members of the Congress, the Members of the General Assemblies, and all others, free inhabitants of the Colonies 2 Carlisle Peace Commission (British negotiators sent to America in 1778) USA
1778 By the Congress of the United States of America. MANIFESTO. 3 US Congress Great Britain
1779 A MANIFESTO Displaying the Motives and Conduct of His Most Christian Majsety towards England. 1 France Great Britain
1779 Observations on the Answer of the King of Great Britain to the Manifesto, &c. of the Court of Versailles by an independent Whig. 3 Great Britain France
1780 MANIFESTO 1 Great Britain (George III) Dutch Republic (States General of Netherland)
1789 Manifesto of the Brabantine People 3 Austrian Netherlands (Brabant) Habsburg Emperor Joseph II
1791 Manifesto to all states and nations, decreed by the French National Assembly, and Presented to the King, December 29, 1791 1 French National Assembly (drawn up by M. Condorcett) France
1792 Manifesto Against the French Revolution 1 The Emperor and the King of Prussia Revolutionary France
1792 Counter Delaration from the Court of Vienna on the Subject of France's Aggression 2 Austria (Austro-Hungarian Empire), Emperor Francis II France (Revolutionary France)
1792 Decree of the French National Convention of 21 April 1792, Containing the Justification for War 1 The French National Convention/Legislative Assembly Bohemia, Hungary
1792 Manifesto of the Government of Bruxelles in Answer to the Declaration of War on the Part of France 2 Marie Christine of Austria Hungary & Bohemia; Albert-Casimir, Prince Royal of Poland and Lithuania France
1792 Declaration of the Duke of Brunswick sent by S.A.S. to the general of Dumouriez (In France known as Manifestation of the King of Prussia) 1 Duke of Brunswick of Prussia France
1793 Decree of the National Convention...that declares that the French Republic is at War with Spain: On the hostilities of the Spanish Government and the necessity of declaring that the French Republic is at war with Spain 1 France Spain
1793 Statement of the conduct of the French nation against the English people 1 National Convention of France, Jacques Pierre Brissot England
1793 Manifesto of Francois, Christian Emperor, King of Bohemia and Hungary, made at Vienna and sent to all the kings of Europe, about Turkey's attack against the empire, the subsequent invasion of French troops on Turkish territory, the draft of 700,000 troops 1 Francis II France
1793 Manifesto and Declaration of his Prussian Majesty to the City of Dantzick 1 Prussia (Frederick William II) Poland
1795 Manifesto of General Charette, Chief of the Royalists in France 1 General Charette, Chief of the Royalists France
1802 Manifesto Addressed to all the States, Friends, or Allies of the French Republic, to all Governors and Commanders in Chief of the Sea and Land forces in the West Indies, to the Captains and Commanders of the different ships of war belonging to the States. 1 France (Captain General Lacrosse, Colonial Prefect Lescalier, Comarissary of Justice Coster) Haiti
1803 Manifesto of the Irish Rebels 3 Irish Provisional Government England
1808 Manifesto to Europe 3 Antonio Mordella Y Spotorno, of Cartagena (Spaniard) Napoleon
1808 Manifesto, or Reasoned and Justificatory Exposition of the conduct of the Court of Portugal in regard to France from the beginning of the Revolution until the time of the invasion of Portugal… 1 Prince Regent of Portugal Napoleon
1808 The Tyrant of Europe Napoleon I: A Manifesto resented to all the peoples of the world, and especially to the Spanish by the Licentiate D. J. A. C. 3 D.J.A.C. Napoleon
1809 Manifesto from the Spanish Nation to Europe 1 Martin de Garay, Secretary General of the "Junta Suprema" [Supreme Board] Napoleon
1812 Report: The Committee on foreign relations to whom was referred the message of the president of the United States of the 1st of June, 1812 1 U.S. Committee on Foreign Relations Great Britain
1815 Declaration of the King of France, addressed to the French People, followed by the Manifesto of Ferdinand VII, King of Spain, on the occasion of the war against Buonaparte 1 Louis XVIII, King of France, and Ferdinand VII, KIng of Spain Napoleon
1815 Manifesto of Justice, importance and necessity that our King finds to oppose himself to the agression of the usurper Bonaparte, to preserve tranquility in Europe, and to protect the rights of mankind and religion, in alliance and union with the sovereigns 1 Ferdinand VII of Spain Napoleon
1822 The Greek Declaration of Independence 3 Constitutional Assembly of Greece Turkey
1825 Manifesto, or Well-Founded and Justificatory Exposition of the Proceedings of the Court of Brazil with respect to the Government of the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata, and of the motives that have obligated it to declare war against the said governme 1 The Emperor of Brazil United Provinces of Rio de la Plata
1828 Manifesto of the Emperor of Russia, on the Declaration of War against Turkey 1 Emperor of Russia (Nicholas I) Ottoman Empire
1828 Manifesto of the Ottoman Porte - Issued in the beginning of January, after the Departure of the Ambassadors (within the Annual Register) 1 Ottoman Empire Russia
1828 Russian Declaration of War Against Turkey (within the Annual Register) 1 Russia Ottoman Porte
1830 The Belgian Declaration of Independence 3 Provisional Government of Belgium Netherlands (Holland)
1835 Declaration of the People of Texas In General Convention assembled 3 General Convention of the People of Texas Mexico
1836 By The President of the United States of America: A Proclamation 3 President James Polk Mexico
1836 Unanimous Declaration of Independence by the Delegates of the People of Texas in General Convention At the Town of Washington On the Second Day of March, 1836 3 Mexican government United States, State of Texas
1837 Contra-Manifesto to that published by the Government of Buenos Aires on 19 May 1837 stating the grounds on which it pretends to justify its declaration of war 2 Mariano Enrique Calvo (Vice-President of Bolivia) Argentina
1837 Contra-Manifesto to that published by the Government of Buenos-Ayres stating the grounds on which it pretends to justify its declaration of war against the Peru-Bolivian Confederacy 2 Andres de Santa Cruz (Peru-Bolivian Confederation) Argentina
1839 Manifesto by the General of the Constitutional Army, invested with the Supreme Command of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, with the motives and reasons that justify, and make necessary, the waging of war against Juan Manuel Rosas… 1 Uruguayan General Fructuoso Rivera Juan Manuel Rosas, Governor of Buenos Aires Province
1846 Manifesto of His Excellency The Interim President of the Mexican Republic 1 Mariano Paredes y Arrillaga, Interim President of Mexico The United States of America
1849 Hungarian Declaration of Independence, 1849 3 Hungarian Parliament Habsburg Monarchy
1853 Russian Declaration of War against Turkey. Tsarskoe-Selo, 20th October/1st November, 1853 1 Nicolas I, Emperor of Russia Turkey
1853 Turkish Declaration of War Against Russia. Constantinople, 4th October 1853 1 Turkey Russia
1860 [Unknown] 1 The Qing Empire (Xianfeng Emperor) Great Britain and France
1864 Manifesto of the Congress of the Confederate States of American relative to the existing war with the United States 3 Congress of the Confederate States United States of America
1865 [unnamed] National Chamber of Deputies Decree 2 Argentinian National Chamber of Deputies Paraguay
1865 Declaration of War by the Paraguayan and Argentine Congress. Declaration of War by the Argentine Congress. 1 Paraguayan Congress Brazil and Argentina
1866 Manifesto of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile on the Present War between the Republic and Spain 1 Chile Spain
1870 Proclamation to the French Army 1 Emperor Napoleon III Prussia
1870 Declaration to the French Parliament 1 France Prussia
1870 Proclamation to the French People 1 Emperor Napoleon III Prussia
1878 Countermanifesto, which the Peruvian Government sends to friendly nations in light of Chile's Declaration of War 2 Manuel Irigoyen (Peru) Chile
1884 Chilean Declaration of War Against Bolivia and Peru and Chilean War Circular 1 Republic of Chile Peru and Bolivia
1884 [Unknown] 1 The Qing Empire (Guangxu Emperor) France
1895 [Unknown] 1 The Qing Empire (Guangxu Emperor) Japan
1898 Declaration of War 1 U.S. President William McKinley Cuba, Spain
1898 Joint Resolution for the recognition of the independence of the people of Cuba… 1 US Congress Spain
1900 [Unknown] 1 The Qing Empire (Guangxu Emperor) Eight-nation alliance: Great Britain, France, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Germany, Japan, United States, Russia
1911 "To the Mongols, Russians, Tibetans, Chinese and all ecclesiastical and secular commoners" 3 Provisional government of Mongolia China
1914 Speech of the King of the Belgians to the Belgian Parliament 1 Albert of the Belgians Germany
1914 Clemenceau Calls France to Arms 3 Georges Clemenceau Germany
1914 Dossier with reference to the Great-Serbian propaganda and its relation to the Sarajevo murder 1 Austria-Hungary Serbia
1914 Reply of the Royal Serbian Government to the Imperial and Royal Government of the 12/25 July, 1914 2 Serbia Austria-Hungary
1914 Remarks on the Reply of the Royal Serbian Government 2 Austria-Hungary Serbia
1914 Proclamation of the Crown Prince Alexander 1 Crown Prince Alexander, Regent of Serbia Austria-Hungary
1914 The Austro-Hungarian Red Book 1 Austria-Hungary Serbia, Russia, Great Britain, France
1914 In Paris about the submitted text declaration of war 1 German Ambassador to France Wilhelm von Schoen France
1914 Diplomatic Correspondence respecting the War, published by the Belgian Government 1 Belgium Germany
1914 Notification of the French Government to the Representatives of the Powers at Paris 1 France Germany
1914 Message from M. Poincare, President of the Republic, read at the Extraordinary Session of Parliament, August 4, 1914 1 President of France Germany
1914 Message from M. Rene Viviani, President of the Council, in the Chamber of Deputies 2 Rene Viviani, President of the Council of France Germany
1914 The German White Book: How Russia and her Ruler betrayed Germany's confidence and thereby caused the European War 1 The German Empire The Russian Empire
1914 Great Britain and the European Crisis 1 Great Britain Germany and Austria-Hungary
1914 German Declaration of War on Russia 1 Wilhelm II, Emperor of Germany Russia
1914 Announcement by M. Sazonof, Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs, respecting Recent Events 2 Russia Germany and Austria-Hungary
1914 Telegram of M. Sazonof to Russian Ambassadors Abroad 1 Russia Germany and Austria-Hungary
1915 Russian Declaration of War against Bulgaria 1 Nicholas II, Emperor and Autocrat of All Russia Bulgaria
1916 The Proclamation of the Irish Republic 3 Provisional Government of the Irish Republic Great Britain
1916 No title [The Entry of Portugal Into the European War] 1 Germany Portugal
1917 Wilson's War Message to Congress 1 President Wilson of the United States of America Germany
1917 China's declaration of War on Germany and Austria-Hungary, August 14, 1917 1 China Germany, Austria-Hungary
1917 The President's Proclamation 1 China Austria, Germany
1918 Manifesto to all the Peoples of Estonia 3 The Republic of Estonia USSR (Russia)
1922 Manifesto to the people and the Constituent Assembly of Fiume (Note: now called Rijeka) 3 Riccardo Zanella (Note: First President of the Free State of Fiume) Against the Fascists who initiated the coup against him
1938 Letter of Adolf Hitler to Roosevelt about the invasion of Czechoslovakia 1 Adolf Hitler, German Fuehrer Czechoslovakia
1939 The Outbreak of War, "Manifesto Issued by the National Executive of the British Labour Party, 1st September, 1939" 3 Executive of the British Labour Party Germany
1939 The Outbreak of War, "Broadcast by the Rt. Hon. Neville Chamberlain, M.P., Prime Minister, 3rd September 1939" 1 M.P. Neville Chamberlain of Great Britain Germany
1939 The Outbreak of War, "Statement by the Rt. Hon. Neville Chamberlain, M.P., Prime Minister, in the House of Commons, 1st September, 1939" 1 M.P. Neville Chamberlain of Great Britain Poland, Germany
1939 The Outbreak of War, "Broadcast by the Rt. Hon. Arthur Greenwood, M.P., Acting-Leader of the Labour Party" 3 M.P. Arthur Greenwood Germany
1939 The Outbreak of War, "Broadcast by the Rt. Hon. Sir Archibald Sinclair, M.P., Leader of the Liberal Party" 3 M.P. Sir Archibald Sinclair Germany
1939 The Outbreak of War, "Broadcast by the British Prime Minister to the German People" 1 British Prime Minister Germany
1939 The Outbreak of War, "Broadcast by M. Edouard Daladier, Prime Minister of France, to the French People" 1 French P.M. (Edouard Daladier) Germany
1941 Declaration of War against Japan 1 United Kingdom Japan
1941 Declaration of War against Germany 1 United States Germany, Italy
1941 [Unknown] 1 Nationalist (Kuomintang) Government of China Japan
1941 [Unknown] 1 Nationalist (Kuomintang) Government of China Germany and Italy
1941 Roosevelt's Request for War Against Japan 1 US (President Roosevelt) Japan
1941 Order Calling for the Invasion of Yugoslavia and Greece 1 Adolf Hitler, German Fuehrer Yugoslavia and Greece
1941 Order to Troops on Eastern Front 1 Adolf Hitler, German Fuehrer Soviet Union
1941 Declaration of War on the Soviet Union 1 Adolf Hitler, German Fuehrer Soviet Union
1941 Explanation of the Soviet Invasion 1 Adolf Hitler, German Fuehrer Soviet Union
1941 Speech to the Reichstag on the Declaration of War against the United States 1 Adolf Hitler, German Fuehrer United States of America
1941 Declaration of War Against the United States 1 Germany United States of America
1941 Declaration of War against Japan 1 Australia Japan
1943 Manifesto for the French Nation 3 France Germany (Hitler), Vichy Government in France
1945 Declaraton of War against Germany and Japan 1 Argentina Germany, Japan
1945 Declaration of War against Japan 1 Soviet Union Japan