Birth Date:
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Litchfield Ledger:
Five volumes; bound in polished law calf with red and black spine labels; lined pages, margins red ruled; double sets of pagination, one for individual titles, the second, for continuous numbering of volumes. Volume 1: Table of contents for all five volumes on pp. 1-2; written on both sides of page; individual titles conclude with 'Finis of (title);' each title is preceded or followed by it own TOC in a different hand from the text, but the same hand as the TOC for the entire five volumes; common abbreviations: y, ym, ys, yt, St, wh, mt (-ment), cs (cases). Volume 2: Table of contents on first page; written on both sides of page; lined pages; red ruled margins; individual titles enf with 'Finis of (title).' Volume 3: lined paper; red ruled margins; written on both sides of page; misspellings: "devided" "agreament;" Volume 4: Lined paper; TOC at beginning of each title; title of Usury begins on p.399, continues to 413, then skips back to 398, then continues from p. 414 to p.431. Volume 5: Signed by George Mann, Providence, R. Island, 1826 Nov. 16; written on both sides of page; blank pages between titles.
Original Repository:
Lillian Goldman Law Library at Yale Law School
Bookplate: Presented by Edward G. Fletcher, 1934.