Litchfield Ledger:
Original Repository:
Litchfield Historical Society
Additional Notes:
From the Litchfield Historical Society:DESCRIPTION5 vs. Volumes 1&2: 22x24 cm Volumes 3,4,&5: 22x25 cm5 volumes of law notes taken at Tapping Reeve’s Litchfield Law School that covervarious subjects. The subjects are broken down into subcategories that describe legaltechnicalities. Page numbers are duplicated. Volume 4 has a note that the notes werecopied from J.H. Bellamy. Volume 5 has a note stating that the notes are incomplete.Volume numbers assigned by the Litchfield Historical Society.CONTENTSVolume 1: Pleas and Pleadings, 292 pagesOf Pleadings which Follow the Declararion, Traverse, Of Duplicity,Of Duplicity in the Declaration, Of Profert and Oyer, Of Departure inPleading, Of Demurrer, Of Arrest of Judgement and Repleader, OfRepleader, On Repleader AwardNew Trials, 46 pagesJudgments, English Law, Evidence, Of CostsWrits of Error, 22 pagesKinds, Error in Law, Error in FactEvidence, 70 pagesWritten, Parol, Rules of Evidence, Of an Interest in the Question,Exceptions to the Rule as to Interest.Volume 2: Real Property, 122 pagesDower, Of Courtesy, Enablements, Maxims, Estates for Years, Estates atWill, Estates at Sufferance, Estates Upon Condition, Estates in Remainderand Revision, Some Rules as to Expectancies, Trespass to Real PropertyMercantile Law, 48 pagesOf Bills of Exchange, Of Acceptance of Bill, Bank Notes, Bankers CashNotes, Draughts on BankersInsurance, 60 pagesSubjects of Marine Insurance, Reappearance and Double Appearance,Duration of the Risk, Of the Policy, Warranty, Representation, What isConsidered a Total Loss, Loss by Bottomry, Loss by Expense of SabotagePublic Wrongs/Criminal Law, 96 pagesHomicide, Arson, Burglary, Larceny, Robbery, Forgery, Perjury, Bail,Costs in Criminal LawVolume 3: Municipal Law, 82 pagesRules, Retro-active Laws, Ex Post Facto Laws, Customs, Constructions ofLawsHusband and Wife, 132 pagesRights of Personal Property, Contracts Entered, Power of the Husband toConvey Away the Real Property of the Wife, Of Unlawful Marriages,Divorces, AlimonyParent and Child, 120 pagesDuties, Contracts, How Infants are to be Sued, Authority, What Offices anInfant May HoldGuardian and Ward, 26 pagesKinds of Guardians, Rules, Of the Settlements of Infants, EmancipationMaster and Servant, 158 pagesAuthority, Contracts, Slaves, Apprentices, Menial Servants, Day Laborers,AttorneysVolume 4: Actions, 404 pagesOf Actions Founded on Contracts, Assumpsit, Action of the Debt, Actionof Detinue, Covenant, Action of Account, Defense to Assumpsit, Tender,Of Pleading Tender, Award, Accord and Satisfaction, Infancy, Coverture,Statute of Limitations, Duress, Idiocy, Illegality, Merger, FormerJudgment, Discharge, Payment, On Notice and Request, Private Wrongs,Slander, Action of Trover, Action on the Case for Malicious Prosecution,Assault and Battery, False Imprisonment, Trespass vi et Armis onPersonal Property, Action of Trespass on the Case, ReplevinPrerogative Writs, 12 pagesMandamus, Habeas Corpus, Prohibition, Audita QuerelaPowers of Chancery, 102 pagesGeneral, Rules, As to ReliefVolume 5: Sheriffs, Bailiffs, and Jailors, 72 pagesAs to the Nature of the Sheriff’s Office, The Manner of Appointing them,DutiesExecutives and Administrators, 106 pagesWho May Be an Executor, In respect of Country, Fortune andCircumstances, Who are Entitled to Administration, In the Manner ofProving Wills, Of the Consequences of Replacing Administrators, ProbateBailment, 140 pagesDifferent Kinds of BailmentsInnkeepers, 32 pagesDuties, Torts, Remedy of InnkeepersContracts, 302 pagesValidity, Feme Covert, Of the Subjects of Contracts, Of the GeneralNature of Contracts, Conditions, Contracts and Agreements Required toBe Written, Of the Construction of Agreements