The collection can be sorted by the popular name of the law, by the date of its enactment, or by descriptive category of naming convention. The categories are our attempt to bring some degree of order to the chaos.
Database of Federal Statute Names
Database of Federal Statute Popular Names
Title | Type | Popular Name | Short Title | Named For? | Classification | PL | Statute At Large | Date(s) Enacted | Interesting Part Statutized? | Leads to other named Legislation | Link/Source | Notes |
National Firearms Act | Description | National Firearms Act | "National Firearms Act" | 26 USC 5849 | Ch. 757, 48 Stat 1236 | |||||||
Smith-Lever Act | Sponsor | Smith-Lever Act | NO short title | Sen. Hoke Smith (D-GA) and Rep. Asbury Lever (D-SC) | 7 USC 341 (note) | ch 79, 38 Stat 372 | Y |
Smith-Lever Act, Green 'N' Growing: The History of Home Demonstration and 4-H Youth Development in North Carolina,; Lever -; Smith - |
amended to include "Smith-Lever Act" as short title by 112 Stat 525 | |||
Jones-McCormack Act (Saturday Half Holidays) | Sponsor | Jones-McCormack Act (Saturday Half Holidays) | NO short title | Rep. John McCormack (D-MA); Most likely Sen. Wesley L. Jones (R-WA) | ch. 396, 46 Stat 1482 | X |; |
Hard to tell whether the sponsor is Sen. Wesley Jones or Rep. John Jones, because the entry in the Cong. Rec. index for the bill has a typo and does not give the correct page for the Senate introduction of the measure. However, Rep. Jones did not participate in the House debate, and Sen. Jones chaired the Appropriations Committee at the time, so it seems more likely that he was the sponsor for whom the bill is named. | ||||
Wei Jingsheng Freedom of Conscience Act | Private Law | Wei Jingsheng Freedom of Conscience Act | "Wei Jingsheng Freedom of Conscience Act" | Private Bill granted permanent resident status for Chinese pro-democracy activist Wei Jinsheng. | Private Law 106-14 | Private Law | Private bill; noted here because the private laws are generally not included in the PNT | |||||
William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 | Honor | William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 | "William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008" | William Wilberforce, British MP who fought to end the slave trade and abolish slavery. | 22 USC 7101 (note) | 110-457 | 122 Stat 5044 | Y |
110 CR H14113, Dec. 4, 2007; |
Named for British MP who fought to end the slave trade | ||
Doughton Unemployment Compensation Act | Sponsor | Doughton Unemployment Compensation Act | NO short title | Rep. Robert Doughton (D-NC) | ch. 73, 53 Stat 581 | X | |
nothing in statute | ||||
Quiet Communities Act of 1978 | Political Description | Quiet Communities Act of 1978 | "Quiet Communities Act of 1978" | 42 USC 4901 | 95-609 | 92 Stat 3079 | N | short title at beginning of statute; amending Noise Control Act of 1972 | ||||
Hatch Act Reform Amendments of 1993 | Sponsor | Hatch Act Reform Amendments of 1993 | "Hatch Act Reform Amendments of 1993" | Rep. William Hatch, (D-MO) | 5 USC 7301 | 103-94 | 107 Stat 1001 | Y | |
unumbered section 1; amends Hatch Political Activity Act | ||
Betty Dick Residence Protection Act | Private Law | Betty Dick Residence Protection Act | "Betty Dick Residence Protection Act" | Betty Dick, 83-year-old woman residing in a cabin within Rocky Mountain National Park. The bill granted her a life estate. | Private Law 109-1 | 120 Stat 3705 | Y |
S.Rpt.109-146 |
short title; - noted here because the private laws are generally not included in the Popular Name Table -- wonder why this one is | |||
Carlisle Act (Internal Revenue) | Sponsor | Carlisle Act (Internal Revenue) | NO short title | Rep. John Griffin Carlisle (D-KY) | 19 USC 468, 469 | ch. 108, 21 Stat 145 | N | |
PNT has 21 Stat 148 but it has to be wrong |